fenhl / OoT-Randomizer

A randomizer for Ocarina of Time.
9 stars 2 forks source link

Wonderitem sparkles appearing without wonderitem shuffle #24

Open fenhl opened 6 months ago

fenhl commented 6 months ago

Report starts here: https://discord.com/channels/274180765816848384/476723801032491008/1213181707713257502

fenhl commented 5 months ago

I was able to reproduce this on 8.1.13 Fenhl-4 (commit fb72b86687c3df150b7b19a652b353b613aa578f) with the given spoiler log used as a plando. Here it is for reference:

plando ```json { ":version": "8.0.22 Fenhl-3", "file_hash": ["Mushroom", "Master Sword", "Silver Gauntlets", "Bottled Milk", "Mushroom"], ":seed": "PI1Y7TSSGO", ":settings_string": "EAUA7AVATL62AELTDDSAMFQNAGAAAAAA2JFAF3ABAABWGTHFSJZLBLABASJHDAAAAAAAA69ZAEJEJ8ZCSHBAYANB", ":enable_distribution_file": true, "settings": { "language": "english", "show_seed_info": true, "user_message": "Ahri Is Love, Ahri Is Life.", "world_count": 1, "create_spoiler": true, "randomize_settings": false, "logic_rules": "none", "triforce_hunt": false, "shuffle_items": true, "lacs_condition": "vanilla", "bridge": "open", "trials_random": false, "trials": 0, "shuffle_ganon_bosskey": "keysanity", "shuffle_dungeon_rewards": "reward", "shuffle_bosskeys": "remove", "shuffle_smallkeys": "remove", "shuffle_tcgkeys": "remove", "key_rings_choice": "off", "shuffle_silver_rupees": "remove", "shuffle_mapcompass": "remove", "enhance_map_compass": false, "open_deku": true, "open_forest": true, "open_kakariko": "open", "open_door_of_time": true, "zora_fountain": "open", "gerudo_fortress": "open", "dungeon_shortcuts_choice": "off", "starting_age": "adult", "mq_dungeons_mode": "specific", "mq_dungeons_specific": [ "Dodongos Cavern", "Jabu Jabus Belly", "Spirit Temple" ], "empty_dungeons_mode": "none", "shuffle_interior_entrances": "off", "shuffle_grotto_entrances": true, "shuffle_dungeon_entrances": "all", "shuffle_bosses": "full", "shuffle_ganon_tower": true, "shuffle_overworld_entrances": false, "mix_entrance_pools": [ "Interior", "Dungeon", "Boss" ], "decouple_entrances": false, "shuffle_gerudo_valley_river_exit": "full", "owl_drops": "full", "warp_songs": "off", "shuffle_child_spawn": "off", "shuffle_adult_spawn": "off", "blue_warps": "dungeon", "exclusive_one_ways": false, "free_bombchu_drops": true, "one_item_per_dungeon": false, "shuffle_song_items": "any", "shopsanity": "4", "special_deal_price_distribution": "uniform", "special_deal_price_min": 50, "special_deal_price_max": 50, "tokensanity": "off", "shuffle_scrubs": "low", "shuffle_child_trade": [], "shuffle_freestanding_items": "off", "shuffle_pots": "off", "shuffle_crates": "off", "shuffle_cows": true, "shuffle_beehives": false, "shuffle_wonderitems": false, "shuffle_kokiri_sword": false, "shuffle_ocarinas": true, "shuffle_gerudo_card": false, "shuffle_beans": true, "shuffle_expensive_merchants": true, "shuffle_frog_song_rupees": true, "shuffle_individual_ocarina_notes": false, "shuffle_loach_reward": "easy", "shuffle_base_item_pool": true, "disabled_locations": [], "starting_items": {}, "start_with_consumables": false, "start_with_rupees": false, "starting_hearts": 3, "no_escape_sequence": true, "no_guard_stealth": true, "no_epona_race": true, "skip_some_minigame_phases": true, "complete_mask_quest": true, "useful_cutscenes": true, "fast_chests": true, "free_scarecrow": true, "fast_bunny_hood": true, "auto_equip_masks": true, "plant_beans": true, "chicken_count_random": false, "chicken_count": 1, "big_poe_count_random": false, "big_poe_count": 1, "easier_fire_arrow_entry": true, "fae_torch_count": 1, "ruto_already_f1_jabu": true, "ocarina_songs": [], "correct_chest_appearances": "textures", "minor_items_as_major_chest": [], "invisible_chests": false, "correct_potcrate_appearances": "textures_content", "incorrect_chest_appearances": false, "clearer_item_models": [ "keyrings", "silver_rupee_pouches", "warp_songs", "keys" ], "clearer_hints": true, "hints": "always", "hint_dist": "very_strong", "item_hints": [], "hint_dist_user": {}, "misc_hints": [ "altar", "ganondorf", "warp_songs_and_owls", "30_skulltulas", "20_skulltulas", "10_skulltulas", "dampe_diary", "unique_merchants", "mask_shop", "frogs2", "50_skulltulas", "40_skulltulas" ], "text_shuffle": "none", "damage_multiplier": "normal", "deadly_bonks": "none", "no_collectible_hearts": false, "starting_tod": "default", "blue_fire_arrows": true, "fix_broken_drops": true, "item_pool_value": "balanced", "junk_ice_traps": "off", "ice_trap_appearance": "major_only", "adult_trade_shuffle": false, "adult_trade_start": [ "Claim Check" ] }, "randomized_settings": { "starting_age": "adult" }, "item_pool": { "Arrows (10)": 15, "Arrows (30)": 13, "Arrows (5)": 20, "Biggoron Sword": 1, "Blue Fire Arrows": 1, "Bolero of Fire": 1, "Bomb Bag": 3, "Bombchus (10)": 7, "Bombchus (20)": 1, "Bombchus (5)": 1, "Bombs (10)": 10, "Bombs (20)": 1, "Bombs (5)": 41, "Boomerang": 1, "Bottle with Blue Potion": 1, "Bottle with Fish": 1, "Bottle with Red Potion": 1, "Bottle": 1, "Bow": 3, "Buy Arrows (10)": 2, "Buy Arrows (30)": 1, "Buy Arrows (50)": 1, "Buy Blue Fire": 1, "Buy Bombchu (10)": 2, "Buy Bombchu (20)": 2, "Buy Bombchu (5)": 1, "Buy Bombs (10)": 1, "Buy Bombs (20)": 1, "Buy Bombs (5) for 25 Rupees": 1, "Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees": 1, "Buy Bottle Bug": 1, "Buy Deku Nut (10)": 1, "Buy Deku Nut (5)": 2, "Buy Deku Seeds (30)": 1, "Buy Deku Shield": 1, "Buy Deku Stick (1)": 2, "Buy Fairy's Spirit": 1, "Buy Fish": 2, "Buy Goron Tunic": 1, "Buy Green Potion": 1, "Buy Heart": 1, "Buy Hylian Shield": 1, "Buy Poe": 1, "Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees": 1, "Buy Zora Tunic": 1, "Claim Check": 1, "Deku Nut Capacity": 2, "Deku Nuts (10)": 1, "Deku Nuts (5)": 30, "Deku Seeds (30)": 22, "Deku Shield": 4, "Deku Stick (1)": 28, "Deku Stick Capacity": 2, "Dins Fire": 1, "Double Defense": 1, "Eponas Song": 1, "Farores Wind": 1, "Fire Arrows": 1, "Giants Knife": 1, "Goron Tunic": 1, "Heart Container": 8, "Hover Boots": 1, "Hylian Shield": 3, "Iron Boots": 1, "Lens of Truth": 1, "Light Arrows": 1, "Magic Bean Pack": 1, "Magic Meter": 2, "Megaton Hammer": 1, "Minuet of Forest": 1, "Mirror Shield": 1, "Nayrus Love": 1, "Nocturne of Shadow": 1, "Ocarina": 2, "Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest Game)": 1, "Piece of Heart": 35, "Prelude of Light": 1, "Progressive Hookshot": 2, "Progressive Scale": 2, "Progressive Strength Upgrade": 3, "Progressive Wallet": 3, "Recovery Heart": 17, "Requiem of Spirit": 1, "Rupee (1)": 1, "Rupee (Treasure Chest Game) (1)": 2, "Rupees (20)": 31, "Rupees (200)": 8, "Rupees (5)": 57, "Rupees (50)": 21, "Rupees (Treasure Chest Game) (20)": 1, "Rupees (Treasure Chest Game) (5)": 2, "Sarias Song": 1, "Serenade of Water": 1, "Slingshot": 3, "Song of Storms": 1, "Song of Time": 1, "Stone of Agony": 1, "Suns Song": 1, "Zeldas Lullaby": 1, "Zora Tunic": 1 }, "dungeons": { "Deku Tree": "vanilla", "Dodongos Cavern": "mq", "Jabu Jabus Belly": "mq", "Bottom of the Well": "vanilla", "Ice Cavern": "vanilla", "Gerudo Training Ground": "vanilla", "Forest Temple": "vanilla", "Fire Temple": "vanilla", "Water Temple": "vanilla", "Spirit Temple": "mq", "Shadow Temple": "vanilla", "Ganons Castle": "vanilla" }, "empty_dungeons": { "Deku Tree": false, "Dodongos Cavern": false, "Jabu Jabus Belly": false, "Forest Temple": false, "Fire Temple": false, "Water Temple": false, "Spirit Temple": false, "Shadow Temple": false }, "trials": { "Spirit": "inactive", "Light": "inactive", "Fire": "inactive", "Shadow": "inactive", "Water": "inactive", "Forest": "inactive" }, "songs": { "Zeldas Lullaby": "<>v<>v", "Eponas Song": "^<>^<>", "Sarias Song": "v<^v<^", "Suns Song": ">v^>v^", "Song of Time": "vA>vA>", "Song of Storms": "Av^Av^", "Minuet of Forest": "^<^A", "Bolero of Fire": "A><>A", "Serenade of Water": "<^<>v<>", "Requiem of Spirit": "><>v>^<", "Nocturne of Shadow": "AvA>vA", "Prelude of Light": ">vAv>^", "ZR Frogs Ocarina Game": "A<>v<>vAvAv> Kak Impas Rooftop Cutscene Entrance": {"region": "Water Temple Before Boss", "from": "Morpha Boss Room"}, "LH Owl Flight -> Hyrule Field": {"region": "DMC Upper Local", "from": "Death Mountain Summit"}, "GV Lower Stream -> Lake Hylia": {"region": "Gerudo Fortress", "from": "Hideout 4 Torches Jail"}, "DMC Fire Temple Entrance -> Fire Temple Lower": {"region": "Dodongos Cavern Beginning", "from": "Death Mountain"}, "Death Mountain -> Dodongos Cavern Beginning": {"region": "Queen Gohma Boss Room", "from": "Deku Tree Before Boss"}, "Desert Colossus -> Spirit Temple Lobby": {"region": "Fire Temple Lower", "from": "DMC Fire Temple Entrance"}, "Gerudo Fortress -> Gerudo Training Ground Lobby": {"region": "Shadow Temple Entryway", "from": "Graveyard Warp Pad Region"}, "Graveyard Warp Pad Region -> Shadow Temple Entryway": {"region": "Ganons Castle Lobby", "from": "Ganons Castle Ledge"}, "KF Outside Deku Tree -> Deku Tree Lobby": {"region": "Forest Temple Lobby", "from": "SFM Forest Temple Entrance Ledge"}, "Kakariko Village -> Bottom of the Well": {"region": "Deku Tree Lobby", "from": "KF Outside Deku Tree"}, "Lake Hylia -> Water Temple Lobby": {"region": "Water Temple Lobby", "from": "Lake Hylia"}, "SFM Forest Temple Entrance Ledge -> Forest Temple Lobby": {"region": "Morpha Boss Room", "from": "Water Temple Before Boss"}, "ZF Ice Ledge -> Ice Cavern Beginning": {"region": "Ice Cavern Beginning", "from": "ZF Ice Ledge"}, "Zoras Fountain -> Jabu Jabus Belly Beginning": {"region": "Phantom Ganon Boss Room", "from": "Forest Temple Before Boss"}, "Ganons Castle Ledge -> Ganons Castle Lobby": {"region": "Twinrova Boss Room", "from": "Spirit Temple Before Boss"}, "Deku Tree Before Boss -> Queen Gohma Boss Room": {"region": "Bottom of the Well", "from": "Kakariko Village"}, "Dodongos Cavern Before Boss -> King Dodongo Boss Room": {"region": "Jabu Jabus Belly Beginning", "from": "Zoras Fountain"}, "Jabu Jabus Belly Before Boss -> Barinade Boss Room": {"region": "Barinade Boss Room", "from": "Jabu Jabus Belly Before Boss"}, "Fire Temple Before Boss -> Volvagia Boss Room": {"region": "Gerudo Training Ground Lobby", "from": "Gerudo Fortress"}, "Forest Temple Before Boss -> Phantom Ganon Boss Room": {"region": "Volvagia Boss Room", "from": "Fire Temple Before Boss"}, "Shadow Temple Before Boss -> Bongo Bongo Boss Room": {"region": "Bongo Bongo Boss Room", "from": "Shadow Temple Before Boss"}, "Spirit Temple Before Boss -> Twinrova Boss Room": {"region": "Ganons Castle Tower", "from": "Ganons Castle Main"}, "Water Temple Before Boss -> Morpha Boss Room": {"region": "Spirit Temple Lobby", "from": "Desert Colossus"}, "Ganons Castle Main -> Ganons Castle Tower": {"region": "King Dodongo Boss Room", "from": "Dodongos Cavern Before Boss"}, "DMC Lower Nearby -> DMC Hammer Grotto": "HF Southeast Grotto", "DMC Upper Nearby -> DMC Upper Grotto": "DMC Hammer Grotto", "Death Mountain -> DMT Storms Grotto": "LLR Grotto", "Death Mountain Summit -> DMT Cow Grotto": "HF Open Grotto", "Desert Colossus -> Colossus Grotto": "LW Near Shortcuts Grotto", "GC Grotto Platform -> GC Grotto": "ZD Storms Grotto", "GF Entrances Behind Crates -> GF Storms Grotto": "Graveyard Heart Piece Grave", "GV Fortress Side -> GV Storms Grotto": "HF Inside Fence Grotto", "GV Grotto Ledge -> GV Octorok Grotto": "SFM Wolfos Grotto", "Graveyard -> Graveyard Dampes Grave": "HC Storms Grotto", "Graveyard -> Graveyard Heart Piece Grave": "ZR Open Grotto", "Graveyard -> Graveyard Royal Familys Tomb": "SFM Fairy Grotto", "Graveyard -> Graveyard Shield Grave": "HF Fairy Grotto", "Hyrule Castle Grounds -> HC Storms Grotto": "HF Tektite Grotto", "Hyrule Field -> HF Cow Grotto": "Graveyard Dampes Grave", "Hyrule Field -> HF Fairy Grotto": "Kak Redead Grotto", "Hyrule Field -> HF Inside Fence Grotto": "Graveyard Shield Grave", "Hyrule Field -> HF Near Kak Grotto": "Deku Theater", "Hyrule Field -> HF Near Market Grotto": "ZR Storms Grotto", "Hyrule Field -> HF Open Grotto": "ZR Fairy Grotto", "Hyrule Field -> HF Southeast Grotto": "GF Storms Grotto", "Hyrule Field -> HF Tektite Grotto": "KF Storms Grotto", "Kak Backyard -> Kak Open Grotto": "DMC Upper Grotto", "Kakariko Village -> Kak Redead Grotto": "DMT Cow Grotto", "Kokiri Forest -> KF Storms Grotto": "GV Octorok Grotto", "LW Beyond Mido -> Deku Theater": "GC Grotto", "LW Beyond Mido -> LW Scrubs Grotto": "DMT Storms Grotto", "Lake Hylia -> LH Grotto": "HF Near Kak Grotto", "Lon Lon Ranch -> LLR Grotto": "Kak Open Grotto", "Lost Woods -> LW Near Shortcuts Grotto": "GV Storms Grotto", "SFM Entryway -> SFM Wolfos Grotto": "Colossus Grotto", "Sacred Forest Meadow -> SFM Fairy Grotto": "HF Near Market Grotto", "Sacred Forest Meadow -> SFM Storms Grotto": "LW Scrubs Grotto", "Zora River -> ZR Fairy Grotto": "LH Grotto", "Zora River -> ZR Open Grotto": "SFM Storms Grotto", "Zora River -> ZR Storms Grotto": "HF Cow Grotto", "Zoras Domain -> ZD Storms Grotto": "Graveyard Royal Familys Tomb" }, "locations": { "Links Pocket": "Light Medallion", "Queen Gohma": "Shadow Medallion", "King Dodongo": "Spirit Medallion", "Barinade": "Kokiri Emerald", "Phantom Ganon": "Water Medallion", "Volvagia": "Forest Medallion", "Morpha": "Zora Sapphire", "Bongo Bongo": "Goron Ruby", "Twinrova": "Fire Medallion", "Song from Impa": "Arrows (10)", "Song from Malon": "Deku Stick (1)", "Song from Saria": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Song from Royal Familys Tomb": "Bombs (5)", "Song from Ocarina of Time": "Progressive Strength Upgrade", "Song from Windmill": "Arrows (10)", "Sheik in Forest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Sheik in Crater": "Bombchus (20)", "Sheik in Ice Cavern": "Arrows (5)", "Sheik at Colossus": "Rupees (5)", "Sheik in Kakariko": "Rupees (20)", "Sheik at Temple": "Stone of Agony", "KF Midos Top Left Chest": "Recovery Heart", "KF Midos Top Right Chest": "Rupees (50)", "KF Midos Bottom Left Chest": "Progressive Wallet", "KF Midos Bottom Right Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "KF Storms Grotto Chest": "Rupees (20)", "KF Links House Cow": "Iron Boots", "KF Shop Item 1": {"item": "Buy Zora Tunic", "price": 300}, "KF Shop Item 2": {"item": "Buy Poe", "price": 30}, "KF Shop Item 3": {"item": "Buy Bombchu (20)", "price": 180}, "KF Shop Item 4": {"item": "Buy Arrows (30)", "price": 60}, "KF Shop Item 5": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 50}, "KF Shop Item 6": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 50}, "KF Shop Item 7": {"item": "Piece of Heart", "price": 50}, "KF Shop Item 8": {"item": "Bomb Bag", "price": 50}, "LW Gift from Saria": "Rupees (20)", "LW Ocarina Memory Game": "Ocarina", "LW Target in Woods": "Arrows (5)", "LW Near Shortcuts Grotto Chest": "Song of Time", "Deku Theater Skull Mask": "Rupees (20)", "Deku Theater Mask of Truth": "Megaton Hammer", "LW Skull Kid": "Rupees (20)", "LW Deku Scrub Near Bridge": {"item": "Hylian Shield", "price": 10}, "LW Deku Scrub Near Deku Theater Left": {"item": "Deku Seeds (30)", "price": 10}, "LW Deku Scrub Near Deku Theater Right": {"item": "Claim Check", "price": 10}, "LW Deku Scrub Grotto Front": {"item": "Deku Nuts (5)", "price": 10}, "LW Deku Scrub Grotto Rear": {"item": "Farores Wind", "price": 10}, "SFM Wolfos Grotto Chest": "Bombs (5)", "SFM Deku Scrub Grotto Front": {"item": "Rupees (50)", "price": 10}, "SFM Deku Scrub Grotto Rear": {"item": "Piece of Heart", "price": 10}, "HF Ocarina of Time Item": "Deku Nuts (5)", "HF Near Market Grotto Chest": "Prelude of Light", "HF Tektite Grotto Freestanding PoH": "Rupees (5)", "HF Southeast Grotto Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "HF Open Grotto Chest": "Bombs (5)", "HF Deku Scrub Grotto": {"item": "Arrows (30)", "price": 10}, "HF Cow Grotto Cow": "Rupees (20)", "Market Shooting Gallery Reward": "Rupees (5)", "Market Bombchu Bowling First Prize": "Recovery Heart", "Market Bombchu Bowling Second Prize": "Heart Container", "Market Lost Dog": "Rupees (200)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Salesman": "Rupees (5)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 1 Bottom": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 1 Top": "Piece of Heart", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 2 Bottom": "Rupee (1)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 2 Top": "Rupees (5)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 3 Bottom": "Deku Stick (1)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 3 Top": "Bombs (5)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 4 Bottom": "Heart Container", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 4 Top": "Hover Boots", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 5 Bottom": "Deku Stick (1)", "Market Treasure Chest Game Room 5 Top": "Piece of Heart", "Market Treasure Chest Game Reward": "Arrows (10)", "Market 10 Big Poes": "Rupees (5)", "Market Bazaar Item 1": {"item": "Buy Arrows (10)", "price": 20}, "Market Bazaar Item 2": {"item": "Buy Bombchu (10)", "price": 99}, "Market Bazaar Item 3": {"item": "Buy Bombs (20)", "price": 80}, "Market Bazaar Item 4": {"item": "Buy Bombchu (10)", "price": 99}, "Market Bazaar Item 5": {"item": "Arrows (30)", "price": 50}, "Market Bazaar Item 6": {"item": "Rupees (50)", "price": 50}, "Market Bazaar Item 7": {"item": "Deku Stick (1)", "price": 50}, "Market Bazaar Item 8": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 50}, "Market Potion Shop Item 1": {"item": "Buy Deku Nut (5)", "price": 15}, "Market Potion Shop Item 2": {"item": "Buy Arrows (50)", "price": 90}, "Market Potion Shop Item 3": {"item": "Buy Deku Seeds (30)", "price": 30}, "Market Potion Shop Item 4": {"item": "Buy Deku Nut (10)", "price": 30}, "Market Potion Shop Item 5": {"item": "Arrows (5)", "price": 50}, "Market Potion Shop Item 6": {"item": "Deku Shield", "price": 50}, "Market Potion Shop Item 7": {"item": "Mirror Shield", "price": 50}, "Market Potion Shop Item 8": {"item": "Arrows (5)", "price": 50}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 1": {"item": "Buy Arrows (10)", "price": 20}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 2": {"item": "Buy Fish", "price": 200}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 3": {"item": "Buy Bombchu (5)", "price": 60}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 4": {"item": "Buy Goron Tunic", "price": 200}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 5": {"item": "Bombs (10)", "price": 50}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 6": {"item": "Deku Nuts (5)", "price": 50}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 7": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 50}, "Market Bombchu Shop Item 8": {"item": "Bomb Bag", "price": 50}, "ToT Light Arrows Cutscene": "Rupee (Treasure Chest Game) (1)", "HC Great Fairy Reward": "Arrows (5)", "LLR Talons Chickens": "Boss Key (Ganons Castle)", "LLR Freestanding PoH": "Arrows (10)", "LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Left": {"item": "Rupees (50)", "price": 10}, "LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Center": {"item": "Recovery Heart", "price": 10}, "LLR Deku Scrub Grotto Right": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 10}, "LLR Stables Left Cow": "Rupees (50)", "LLR Stables Right Cow": "Bomb Bag", "LLR Tower Left Cow": "Progressive Scale", "LLR Tower Right Cow": "Deku Stick (1)", "Kak Anju as Child": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Kak Anju as Adult": "Piece of Heart", "Kak Granny Buy Blue Potion": "Arrows (5)", "Kak Impas House Freestanding PoH": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Kak Windmill Freestanding PoH": "Arrows (5)", "Kak Man on Roof": "Bottle", "Kak Open Grotto Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Kak Redead Grotto Chest": "Song of Storms", "Kak Shooting Gallery Reward": "Bombs (5)", "Kak 10 Gold Skulltula Reward": "Rupees (5)", "Kak 20 Gold Skulltula Reward": "Piece of Heart", "Kak 30 Gold Skulltula Reward": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Kak 40 Gold Skulltula Reward": "Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest Game)", "Kak 50 Gold Skulltula Reward": "Rupees (5)", "Kak Impas House Cow": "Piece of Heart", "Kak Bazaar Item 1": {"item": "Buy Fairy's Spirit", "price": 50}, "Kak Bazaar Item 2": {"item": "Buy Heart", "price": 10}, "Kak Bazaar Item 3": {"item": "Buy Bombs (10)", "price": 50}, "Kak Bazaar Item 4": {"item": "Buy Red Potion for 30 Rupees", "price": 30}, "Kak Bazaar Item 5": {"item": "Bombs (5)", "price": 50}, "Kak Bazaar Item 6": {"item": "Rupees (20)", "price": 50}, "Kak Bazaar Item 7": {"item": "Piece of Heart", "price": 50}, "Kak Bazaar Item 8": {"item": "Arrows (10)", "price": 50}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 1": {"item": "Buy Blue Fire", "price": 300}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 2": {"item": "Buy Bombs (5) for 25 Rupees", "price": 25}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 3": {"item": "Buy Bombs (5) for 35 Rupees", "price": 35}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 4": {"item": "Buy Hylian Shield", "price": 80}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 5": {"item": "Bombs (10)", "price": 50}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 6": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 50}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 7": {"item": "Recovery Heart", "price": 50}, "Kak Potion Shop Item 8": {"item": "Boomerang", "price": 50}, "Graveyard Shield Grave Chest": "Bombs (10)", "Graveyard Heart Piece Grave Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Graveyard Royal Familys Tomb Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Graveyard Freestanding PoH": "Piece of Heart", "Graveyard Dampe Gravedigging Tour": "Arrows (5)", "Graveyard Dampe Race Hookshot Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Graveyard Dampe Race Freestanding PoH": "Deku Seeds (30)", "DMT Freestanding PoH": "Deku Nuts (5)", "DMT Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "DMT Storms Grotto Chest": "Rupees (50)", "DMT Great Fairy Reward": "Bow", "DMT Biggoron": "Arrows (5)", "DMT Cow Grotto Cow": "Rupees (5)", "GC Darunias Joy": "Deku Seeds (30)", "GC Pot Freestanding PoH": "Rupees (20)", "GC Rolling Goron as Child": "Bombs (10)", "GC Rolling Goron as Adult": "Bombchus (10)", "GC Medigoron": "Rupees (5)", "GC Maze Left Chest": "Rupees (5)", "GC Maze Center Chest": "Minuet of Forest", "GC Maze Right Chest": "Bombchus (10)", "GC Deku Scrub Grotto Left": {"item": "Double Defense", "price": 10}, "GC Deku Scrub Grotto Center": {"item": "Bombchus (10)", "price": 10}, "GC Deku Scrub Grotto Right": {"item": "Rupees (20)", "price": 10}, "GC Shop Item 1": {"item": "Buy Fish", "price": 200}, "GC Shop Item 2": {"item": "Buy Green Potion", "price": 30}, "GC Shop Item 3": {"item": "Buy Deku Nut (5)", "price": 15}, "GC Shop Item 4": {"item": "Buy Bottle Bug", "price": 50}, "GC Shop Item 5": {"item": "Rupees (20)", "price": 50}, "GC Shop Item 6": {"item": "Piece of Heart", "price": 50}, "GC Shop Item 7": {"item": "Deku Seeds (30)", "price": 50}, "GC Shop Item 8": {"item": "Bombs (20)", "price": 50}, "DMC Volcano Freestanding PoH": "Deku Shield", "DMC Wall Freestanding PoH": "Rupees (200)", "DMC Upper Grotto Chest": "Biggoron Sword", "DMC Great Fairy Reward": "Arrows (30)", "DMC Deku Scrub": {"item": "Deku Stick (1)", "price": 10}, "DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Left": {"item": "Bombs (5)", "price": 10}, "DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Center": {"item": "Goron Tunic", "price": 10}, "DMC Deku Scrub Grotto Right": {"item": "Bombs (5)", "price": 10}, "ZR Magic Bean Salesman": "Rupees (5)", "ZR Open Grotto Chest": "Bombchus (5)", "ZR Frogs Zeldas Lullaby": "Piece of Heart", "ZR Frogs Eponas Song": "Arrows (30)", "ZR Frogs Sarias Song": "Arrows (5)", "ZR Frogs Suns Song": "Deku Stick (1)", "ZR Frogs Song of Time": "Bombs (5)", "ZR Frogs in the Rain": "Heart Container", "ZR Frogs Ocarina Game": "Rupees (20)", "ZR Near Open Grotto Freestanding PoH": "Deku Stick (1)", "ZR Near Domain Freestanding PoH": "Arrows (30)", "ZR Deku Scrub Grotto Front": {"item": "Arrows (30)", "price": 10}, "ZR Deku Scrub Grotto Rear": {"item": "Bombs (5)", "price": 10}, "ZD Diving Minigame": "Piece of Heart", "ZD Chest": "Piece of Heart", "ZD King Zora Thawed": "Deku Seeds (30)", "ZD Shop Item 1": {"item": "Buy Bombchu (20)", "price": 180}, "ZD Shop Item 2": {"item": "Buy Deku Shield", "price": 40}, "ZD Shop Item 3": {"item": "Buy Deku Stick (1)", "price": 10}, "ZD Shop Item 4": {"item": "Buy Deku Stick (1)", "price": 10}, "ZD Shop Item 5": {"item": "Bottle with Red Potion", "price": 50}, "ZD Shop Item 6": {"item": "Deku Nuts (5)", "price": 50}, "ZD Shop Item 7": {"item": "Bombs (5)", "price": 50}, "ZD Shop Item 8": {"item": "Rupees (200)", "price": 50}, "ZF Great Fairy Reward": "Rupees (20)", "ZF Iceberg Freestanding PoH": "Bombs (5)", "ZF Bottom Freestanding PoH": "Arrows (10)", "LH Underwater Item": "Bombs (5)", "LH Child Fishing": "Arrows (10)", "LH Adult Fishing": "Bombs (5)", "LH Loach Fishing": "Bombchus (10)", "LH Lab Dive": "Recovery Heart", "LH Freestanding PoH": "Rupees (20)", "LH Sun": "Sarias Song", "LH Deku Scrub Grotto Left": {"item": "Arrows (30)", "price": 10}, "LH Deku Scrub Grotto Center": {"item": "Deku Nuts (5)", "price": 10}, "LH Deku Scrub Grotto Right": {"item": "Deku Stick (1)", "price": 10}, "GV Crate Freestanding PoH": "Arrows (10)", "GV Waterfall Freestanding PoH": "Piece of Heart", "GV Chest": "Bombs (5)", "GV Deku Scrub Grotto Front": {"item": "Piece of Heart", "price": 10}, "GV Deku Scrub Grotto Rear": {"item": "Arrows (5)", "price": 10}, "GV Cow": "Rupees (20)", "GF Chest": "Rupees (20)", "GF HBA 1000 Points": "Arrows (5)", "GF HBA 1500 Points": "Piece of Heart", "Wasteland Bombchu Salesman": "Bombs (10)", "Wasteland Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Colossus Great Fairy Reward": "Deku Nut Capacity", "Colossus Freestanding PoH": "Lens of Truth", "Colossus Deku Scrub Grotto Front": {"item": "Arrows (5)", "price": 10}, "Colossus Deku Scrub Grotto Rear": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 10}, "OGC Great Fairy Reward": "Piece of Heart", "Deku Tree Map Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Deku Tree Slingshot Room Side Chest": "Rupees (Treasure Chest Game) (5)", "Deku Tree Slingshot Chest": "Serenade of Water", "Deku Tree Compass Chest": "Slingshot", "Deku Tree Compass Room Side Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Deku Tree Basement Chest": "Deku Shield", "Deku Tree Queen Gohma Heart": "Rupees (5)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Map Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Bomb Bag Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Torch Puzzle Room Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Larvae Room Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Compass Chest": "Magic Meter", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Under Grave Chest": "Bottle with Blue Potion", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Lobby Front": {"item": "Piece of Heart", "price": 10}, "Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Lobby Rear": {"item": "Arrows (10)", "price": 10}, "Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Side Room Near Lower Lizalfos": {"item": "Deku Seeds (30)", "price": 10}, "Dodongos Cavern MQ Deku Scrub Staircase": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 10}, "Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Silver Rupee Beamos": "Rupees (20)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Silver Rupee Lower Crate": "Rupees (50)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Silver Rupee Mid Left Crate": "Bombs (5)", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Silver Rupee Vines": "Nocturne of Shadow", "Dodongos Cavern MQ Staircase Silver Rupee Top Right Crate": "Deku Stick (1)", "Dodongos Cavern Boss Room Chest": "Arrows (30)", "Dodongos Cavern King Dodongo Heart": "Progressive Wallet", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Map Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ First Room Side Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Second Room Lower Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Compass Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Basement Near Switches Chest": "Deku Shield", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Basement Near Vines Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Room Small Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Boomerang Chest": "Arrows (30)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Falling Like Like Room Chest": "Slingshot", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Second Room Upper Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Near Boss Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Jabu Jabus Belly MQ Cow": "Recovery Heart", "Jabu Jabus Belly Barinade Heart": "Piece of Heart", "Bottom of the Well Front Left Fake Wall Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Bottom of the Well Front Center Bombable Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Bottom of the Well Back Left Bombable Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Bottom of the Well Underwater Left Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Bottom of the Well Freestanding Key": "Zora Tunic", "Bottom of the Well Compass Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Bottom of the Well Center Skulltula Chest": "Recovery Heart", "Bottom of the Well Right Bottom Fake Wall Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Bottom of the Well Fire Keese Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Bottom of the Well Like Like Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Bottom of the Well Map Chest": "Bombs (10)", "Bottom of the Well Underwater Front Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Bottom of the Well Invisible Chest": "Zeldas Lullaby", "Bottom of the Well Lens of Truth Chest": "Heart Container", "Bottom of the Well Basement Silver Rupee Wood Beam Front": "Rupees (5)", "Bottom of the Well Basement Silver Rupee Wood Beam Back": "Deku Stick (1)", "Bottom of the Well Basement Silver Rupee Ladders Bottom": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Bottom of the Well Basement Silver Rupee Ladders Middle": "Rupees (50)", "Bottom of the Well Basement Silver Rupee Ladders Top": "Deku Stick (1)", "Forest Temple First Room Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Forest Temple First Stalfos Chest": "Bombs (10)", "Forest Temple Raised Island Courtyard Chest": "Bombs (10)", "Forest Temple Map Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Forest Temple Well Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Forest Temple Eye Switch Chest": "Progressive Wallet", "Forest Temple Boss Key Chest": "Magic Meter", "Forest Temple Floormaster Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Forest Temple Red Poe Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Forest Temple Bow Chest": "Slingshot", "Forest Temple Blue Poe Chest": "Hylian Shield", "Forest Temple Falling Ceiling Room Chest": "Deku Stick Capacity", "Forest Temple Basement Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Forest Temple Phantom Ganon Heart": "Arrows (10)", "Fire Temple Near Boss Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Fire Temple Flare Dancer Chest": "Heart Container", "Fire Temple Boss Key Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Fire Temple Big Lava Room Lower Open Door Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Fire Temple Big Lava Room Blocked Door Chest": "Suns Song", "Fire Temple Boulder Maze Lower Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Fire Temple Boulder Maze Side Room Chest": "Arrows (10)", "Fire Temple Map Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Fire Temple Boulder Maze Shortcut Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Fire Temple Boulder Maze Upper Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Fire Temple Scarecrow Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Fire Temple Compass Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Fire Temple Megaton Hammer Chest": "Magic Bean Pack", "Fire Temple Highest Goron Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Fire Temple Volvagia Heart": "Recovery Heart", "Water Temple Compass Chest": "Arrows (30)", "Water Temple Map Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Water Temple Cracked Wall Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Water Temple Torches Chest": "Deku Nut Capacity", "Water Temple Boss Key Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Water Temple Central Pillar Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Water Temple Central Bow Target Chest": "Recovery Heart", "Water Temple Longshot Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Water Temple River Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Water Temple Dragon Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Water Temple Morpha Heart": "Bombs (5)", "Shadow Temple Map Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Shadow Temple Hover Boots Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Shadow Temple Compass Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Early Silver Rupee Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Visible Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Invisible Blades Invisible Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Lower Chest": "Rupees (Treasure Chest Game) (5)", "Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Upper Chest": "Fire Arrows", "Shadow Temple Falling Spikes Switch Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Freestanding Key": "Recovery Heart", "Shadow Temple Wind Hint Chest": "Rupees (200)", "Shadow Temple After Wind Enemy Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Shadow Temple After Wind Hidden Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Shadow Temple Spike Walls Left Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Shadow Temple Boss Key Chest": "Progressive Hookshot", "Shadow Temple Invisible Floormaster Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Shadow Temple Scythe Shortcut Silver Rupee Center Left": "Recovery Heart", "Shadow Temple Scythe Shortcut Silver Rupee Center Right": "Bombs (5)", "Shadow Temple Scythe Shortcut Silver Rupee Left Alcove": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Scythe Shortcut Silver Rupee Back Alcove": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Shadow Temple Scythe Shortcut Silver Rupee Ledge": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Huge Pit Silver Rupee Left": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Huge Pit Silver Rupee Center Front": "Bombs (5)", "Shadow Temple Huge Pit Silver Rupee Center": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Huge Pit Silver Rupee Center Back": "Arrows (10)", "Shadow Temple Huge Pit Silver Rupee Right": "Giants Knife", "Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Silver Rupee Right": "Arrows (5)", "Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Silver Rupee Center": "Ocarina", "Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Silver Rupee Left": "Rupees (5)", "Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Silver Rupee Ledge": "Bombs (5)", "Shadow Temple Invisible Spikes Silver Rupee Near Ledge": "Deku Stick (1)", "Shadow Temple Bongo Bongo Heart": "Rupees (20)", "Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Left Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Right Chest": "Dins Fire", "Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Front Right Chest": "Arrows (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Entrance Back Left Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Spirit Temple MQ Map Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Map Room Enemy Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb North Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Spirit Temple MQ Child Climb South Chest": "Bombchus (10)", "Spirit Temple MQ Compass Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Silver Block Hallway Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Sun Block Room Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Spirit Temple MQ Child Hammer Switch Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Lullaby Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Spirit Temple MQ Statue Room Invisible Chest": "Progressive Strength Upgrade", "Spirit Temple MQ Leever Room Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Spirit Temple MQ Symphony Room Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Spirit Temple MQ Beamos Room Chest": "Arrows (10)", "Spirit Temple MQ Chest Switch Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Boss Key Chest": "Hylian Shield", "Spirit Temple Mirror Shield Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Spirit Temple MQ Mirror Puzzle Invisible Chest": "Bombs (10)", "Spirit Temple Twinrova Heart": "Bombs (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Lobby and Lower Adult Silver Rupee Left Boulder": "Recovery Heart", "Spirit Temple MQ Lobby and Lower Adult Silver Rupee Right Boulder": "Deku Nuts (10)", "Spirit Temple MQ Lobby and Lower Adult Silver Rupee Water Jet": "Deku Stick (1)", "Spirit Temple MQ Lobby and Lower Adult Silver Rupee Behind Water Jet": "Arrows (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Lobby and Lower Adult Silver Rupee Near Door": "Piece of Heart", "Spirit Temple MQ Adult Climb Silver Rupee 1": "Rupees (5)", "Spirit Temple MQ Adult Climb Silver Rupee 2": "Progressive Hookshot", "Spirit Temple MQ Adult Climb Silver Rupee 3": "Rupees (20)", "Spirit Temple MQ Adult Climb Silver Rupee 4": "Rupees (20)", "Spirit Temple MQ Adult Climb Silver Rupee 5": "Rupees (5)", "Ice Cavern Map Chest": "Nayrus Love", "Ice Cavern Compass Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Ice Cavern Iron Boots Chest": "Progressive Scale", "Ice Cavern Freestanding PoH": "Heart Container", "Ice Cavern Spinning Scythe Silver Rupee Icicles": "Bow", "Ice Cavern Spinning Scythe Silver Rupee Center Left": "Bolero of Fire", "Ice Cavern Spinning Scythe Silver Rupee Center Back": "Recovery Heart", "Ice Cavern Spinning Scythe Silver Rupee Center Right": "Rupees (200)", "Ice Cavern Spinning Scythe Silver Rupee Ledge": "Rupees (200)", "Ice Cavern Push Block Silver Rupee Back Left": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Ice Cavern Push Block Silver Rupee Back Center": "Arrows (5)", "Ice Cavern Push Block Silver Rupee Front Center": "Arrows (5)", "Ice Cavern Push Block Silver Rupee Red Ice": "Arrows (30)", "Ice Cavern Push Block Silver Rupee Front Left": "Bombs (10)", "Gerudo Training Ground Lobby Left Chest": "Blue Fire Arrows", "Gerudo Training Ground Lobby Right Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Gerudo Training Ground Stalfos Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Gerudo Training Ground Before Heavy Block Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block First Chest": "Recovery Heart", "Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Second Chest": "Arrows (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Third Chest": "Arrows (30)", "Gerudo Training Ground Heavy Block Fourth Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Eye Statue Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Gerudo Training Ground Near Scarecrow Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Gerudo Training Ground Hammer Room Clear Chest": "Bottle with Fish", "Gerudo Training Ground Hammer Room Switch Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Gerudo Training Ground Freestanding Key": "Heart Container", "Gerudo Training Ground Maze Right Central Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Maze Right Side Chest": "Bow", "Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Gerudo Training Ground Beamos Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Hidden Ceiling Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path First Chest": "Rupees (50)", "Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Second Chest": "Rupee (Treasure Chest Game) (1)", "Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Third Chest": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Maze Path Final Chest": "Bombs (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Lava Room Silver Rupee Front Left": "Rupees (200)", "Gerudo Training Ground Lava Room Silver Rupee Front Right": "Rupees (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Lava Room Silver Rupee Flame Circle": "Recovery Heart", "Gerudo Training Ground Lava Room Silver Rupee Center Right": "Rupees (50)", "Gerudo Training Ground Lava Room Silver Rupee Hookshot Target": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Top": "Arrows (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Middle": "Rupees (20)", "Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Bottom Front Right": "Arrows (10)", "Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Bottom Center": "Recovery Heart", "Gerudo Training Ground Underwater Silver Rupee Bottom Back Left": "Deku Stick (1)", "Gerudo Training Ground Boulder Room Silver Rupee Bottom Right": "Rupees (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Boulder Room Silver Rupee Bottom Left": "Piece of Heart", "Gerudo Training Ground Boulder Room Silver Rupee Ceiling": "Arrows (30)", "Gerudo Training Ground Boulder Room Silver Rupee Ledge": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Gerudo Training Ground Boulder Room Silver Rupee Top Left": "Bombchus (10)", "Ganons Castle Forest Trial Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Ganons Castle Water Trial Left Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Ganons Castle Water Trial Right Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Front Chest": "Deku Stick (1)", "Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Golden Gauntlets Chest": "Piece of Heart", "Ganons Castle Light Trial First Left Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Left Chest": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Left Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial First Right Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Right Chest": "Heart Container", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Right Chest": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Invisible Enemies Chest": "Rupees (200)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Lullaby Chest": "Requiem of Spirit", "Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Crystal Switch Chest": "Rupees (20)", "Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Invisible Chest": "Deku Stick Capacity", "Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Left": {"item": "Piece of Heart", "price": 10}, "Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Center-Left": {"item": "Rupees (5)", "price": 10}, "Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Center-Right": {"item": "Arrows (10)", "price": 10}, "Ganons Castle Deku Scrub Right": {"item": "Recovery Heart", "price": 10}, "Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Silver Rupee Ceiling": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Silver Rupee Front Right": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Silver Rupee Center": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Silver Rupee Back Left": "Deku Seeds (30)", "Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Silver Rupee Back Right": "Bombchus (10)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Silver Rupee Center Left": "Bombs (5)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Silver Rupee Center Top": "Rupees (50)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Silver Rupee Center Right": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Silver Rupee Left Alcove": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Light Trial Silver Rupee Right Alcove": "Eponas Song", "Ganons Castle Fire Trial Silver Rupee Flamethrower": "Bombs (5)", "Ganons Castle Fire Trial Silver Rupee Inside Pillar": "Progressive Strength Upgrade", "Ganons Castle Fire Trial Silver Rupee Right Front": "Bombs (5)", "Ganons Castle Fire Trial Silver Rupee Right Center": "Deku Stick (1)", "Ganons Castle Fire Trial Silver Rupee Right Back": "Deku Nuts (5)", "Ganons Castle Forest Trial Silver Rupee Front Left": "Rupees (Treasure Chest Game) (20)", "Ganons Castle Forest Trial Silver Rupee Front Right": "Rupees (5)", "Ganons Castle Forest Trial Silver Rupee Center Left": "Bombs (5)", "Ganons Castle Forest Trial Silver Rupee Back Center": "Piece of Heart", "Ganons Castle Forest Trial Silver Rupee Back Right": "Bombs (5)", "Ganons Tower Boss Key Chest": "Light Arrows" }, ":skipped_locations": { "Links Pocket": "Light Medallion", "Hideout Gerudo Membership Card": "Gerudo Membership Card" }, ":woth_locations": {}, ":goal_locations": {}, ":barren_regions": [ "Gerudo Valley", "Gerudo's Fortress", "the Haunted Wasteland", "Hyrule Castle", "outside Ganon's Castle", "Zora's River", "Zora's Fountain", "the Water Temple" ], "gossip_stones": { "Colossus (Spirit Temple)": {"text": "They say that a #symphony in the Spirit Temple# yields #a Piece of Heart#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Spirit Temple MQ Symphony Room Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Piece of Heart"]}, "DMC (Bombable Wall)": {"text": "They say that in the #Sacred Forest Meadow#, Sheik teaches #a Deku Stick#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Sheik in Forest"], "hinted_items": ["Deku Stick (1)"]}, "DMC (Upper Grotto)": {"text": "They say that a #storm near the castle# reveals a pool guarded by a #Tektite#.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "DMT (Biggoron)": {"text": "They say that shooting a #target in the woods# grants #Arrows (5 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["LW Target in Woods"], "hinted_items": ["Arrows (5)"]}, "DMT (Storms Grotto)": {"text": "They say that a #giant pot in the Shadow Temple# holds #a Recovery Heart#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Shadow Temple Freestanding Key"], "hinted_items": ["Recovery Heart"]}, "Dodongos Cavern (Bombable Wall)": {"text": "They say that plundering #Zora's Fountain# is a foolish choice.", "colors": ["Pink"]}, "GC (Maze)": {"text": "They say that the song taught by the #Ocarina of Time# is #a Strength Upgrade#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Song from Ocarina of Time"], "hinted_items": ["Progressive Strength Upgrade"]}, "GC (Medigoron)": {"text": "They say that deep #under a vast lake#, one can find #the Water Temple#.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "GV (Waterfall)": {"text": "They say that amidst flames in #Kakariko Village#, Sheik gives #a Red Rupee#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Sheik in Kakariko"], "hinted_items": ["Rupees (20)"]}, "Graveyard (Shadow Temple)": {"text": "They say that lifting a #rock in the desert# reveals a #generic grotto#.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "HC (Malon)": {"text": "They say that Sheik waits in the #Death Mountain Crater# to teach #Bombchus (20 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Sheik in Crater"], "hinted_items": ["Bombchus (20)"]}, "HC (Rock Wall)": {"text": "They say that the #final treasure of Ice Cavern# is #a Zora Scale#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Ice Cavern Iron Boots Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Progressive Scale"]}, "HC (Storms Grotto)": {"text": "They say that showing the #Mask of Truth in the Deku Theater# rewards #the Megaton Hammer#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Deku Theater Mask of Truth"], "hinted_items": ["Megaton Hammer"]}, "HF (Cow Grotto)": {"text": "They say that the song taught by the #Ocarina of Time# is #a Strength Upgrade#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Song from Ocarina of Time"], "hinted_items": ["Progressive Strength Upgrade"]}, "HF (Near Market Grotto)": {"text": "They say that amidst flames in #Kakariko Village#, Sheik gives #a Red Rupee#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Sheik in Kakariko"], "hinted_items": ["Rupees (20)"]}, "HF (Open Grotto)": {"text": "They say that #collecting cuccos# rewards #Deku Seeds (30 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Kak Anju as Child"], "hinted_items": ["Deku Seeds (30)"]}, "HF (Southeast Grotto)": {"text": "They say that #Malon's obstacle course# leads to #the Iron Boots#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["KF Links House Cow"], "hinted_items": ["Iron Boots"]}, "KF (Deku Tree Left)": {"text": "They say that the #Haunted Wasteland torches# reveal #Deku Nuts (5 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Wasteland Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Deku Nuts (5)"]}, "KF (Deku Tree Right)": {"text": "They say that plundering #Hyrule Castle# is a foolish choice.", "colors": ["Pink"]}, "KF (Outside Storms)": {"text": "They say that #lighting flames in the royal tomb# rewards #a Blue Rupee#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Graveyard Royal Familys Tomb Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Rupees (5)"]}, "KF (Storms Grotto)": {"text": "They say that inside #Jabu Jabu#, one can find #Phantom Ganon#.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "Kak (Open Grotto)": {"text": "They say that plundering #outside Ganon's Castle# is a foolish choice.", "colors": ["Pink"]}, "LH (Lab)": {"text": "They say that #Malon's obstacle course# leads to #the Iron Boots#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["KF Links House Cow"], "hinted_items": ["Iron Boots"]}, "LH (Southeast Corner)": {"text": "They say that upon the #Colossus's right hand# is #Deku Seeds (30 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Spirit Temple Silver Gauntlets Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Deku Seeds (30)"]}, "LH (Southwest Corner)": {"text": "They say that the #treasure thrown by Princess Zelda# is #Deku Nuts (5 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["HF Ocarina of Time Item"], "hinted_items": ["Deku Nuts (5)"]}, "LW (Bridge)": {"text": "They say that a #storm in the valley# reveals a #single Upgrade Deku Scrub#.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "LW (Near Shortcuts Grotto)": {"text": "They say that plundering #Gerudo Valley# is a foolish choice.", "colors": ["Pink"]}, "SFM (Maze Lower)": {"text": "They say that the #treasure thrown by Princess Zelda# is #Deku Nuts (5 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["HF Ocarina of Time Item"], "hinted_items": ["Deku Nuts (5)"]}, "SFM (Maze Upper)": {"text": "They say that a #cow behind webs# in a grotto gifts #a Red Rupee#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["HF Cow Grotto Cow"], "hinted_items": ["Rupees (20)"]}, "SFM (Saria)": {"text": "They say that plundering #the Water Temple# is a foolish choice.", "colors": ["Pink"]}, "ToT (Left)": {"text": "They say that upon the #Colossus's left hand# is #a Piece of Heart#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Spirit Temple Mirror Shield Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Piece of Heart"]}, "ToT (Left-Center)": {"text": "They say that a #pool of lava# in Goron City blocks the way to a small #Fairy Fountain#.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "ToT (Right)": {"text": "They say that a #village well# leads to #the Deku Tree#.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "ToT (Right-Center)": {"text": "They say that #a Bomb Bag# can be found in #Kokiri Forest#.", "colors": ["Green", "Red"], "hinted_locations": ["KF Shop Item 8"], "hinted_items": ["Bomb Bag"]}, "ZD (Mweep)": {"text": "They say that #Bombchus (10 pieces)# can be found in #Goron City#.", "colors": ["Green", "Red"], "hinted_locations": ["GC Maze Right Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Bombchus (10)"]}, "ZF (Fairy)": {"text": "They say that a #like-like in Ganon's Shadow Trial# guards #a Piece of Heart#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Golden Gauntlets Chest"], "hinted_items": ["Piece of Heart"]}, "ZF (Jabu)": {"text": "They say that #inside Ganon's Castle# hoards #Bombchus (10 pieces)#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Silver Rupee Back Right"], "hinted_items": ["Bombchus (10)"]}, "ZR (Near Domain)": {"text": "They say that #inside Ganon's Castle# hoards #Epona's Song#.", "colors": ["Red", "Green"], "hinted_locations": ["Ganons Castle Light Trial Silver Rupee Right Alcove"], "hinted_items": ["Eponas Song"]}, "ZR (Near Grottos)": {"text": "They say that a rock on #a ledge in the valley# hides #Wolfos# guarding a chest.", "colors": ["Green", "Light Blue"]}, "ZR (Open Grotto)": {"text": "They say that plundering #Gerudo's Fortress# is a foolish choice.", "colors": ["Pink"]} }, ":playthrough": { "0": { "Hideout Gerudo Membership Card":"Gerudo Membership Card", "Links Pocket": "Light Medallion" }, "1": { "Ganon": "Triforce" } }, ":playthrough_locations": {}, ":entrance_playthrough": { "1": { "DMC Fire Temple Entrance -> Fire Temple Lower":{"region": "Dodongos Cavern Beginning", "from": "Death Mountain"} } } } ```