fennb / phirehose

PHP interface to Twitter Streaming API
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Support for response compression. #98

Closed ap-m closed 3 years ago

ap-m commented 8 years ago


The Twitter streaming API supports response compression, according to: https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview/processing#gzip-compression

But Phirehose doesn't appear to currently support this.

I did find some initial discussion from several years ago about supporting it, but it was inconclusive: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/phirehose-users/DNEZEAlHFvA

Are there any plans, or has there been any more recent work, to support response compression?

This would be useful functionality to have.


compwright commented 8 years ago

I'd love to see Phirehose adapted to work with PSR-7 streams (see StreamInterface. With that done, multiple stream handlers could be developed or existing ones plugged in, like a CurlStreamHandler, GzipStreamHandler, and whatever else folks can think up.