fenner / mibbinator

The Mibbinator, the brains (and the brawn) behind http://mibbinator.org/
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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User-friendly URLs #3

Open fenner opened 10 years ago

fenner commented 10 years ago

I'd like for http://mibbintor.org/ifIndex to be the URL of the ifIndex object. If you need a disambiguator page, build it (e.g., multiple MIBs defining the same object). Otherwise, just serve the page for the object being asked for. Same goes for an OID - just make the URL http://mibbinator.org/ work too.

fenner commented 8 years ago

Another idea, kind of a mix: http://mibbinator.org/ip.21 (or, ip.21.x.y.z).

We could even do INDEX translation - "this is ipRouteNextHop."