fennerm / flashfocus

Simple focus animations for tiling window managers.
MIT License
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Where and how can I change the flash function ? #41

Closed sucrecacao closed 4 years ago

sucrecacao commented 4 years ago

Hello, Instead of making a transparent background fading transition, I would like to have a fading border transition and/or fading white "flash".

And hint and pointers on how I could implements that ?

Thanks !

fennerm commented 4 years ago

This would be awesome and I'd love to help where I can but I think its probably a bit beyond my expertise. Check out https://github.com/fennerm/flashfocus/issues/1 for some hints at how this could be achieved in X11. I think the implementation is likely to be quite different in wayland. I'd be happy to accept a PR to add this functionality for either X11 or wayland, I don't think cross-compatibility is a strict requirement.

As far as slotting this into the current codebase you would likely need to add method to the Flasher class in flashfocus.flasher and do some fiddling with the config schema.

sucrecacao commented 4 years ago

I haven't found any function in xpybutil library that allow you to add border or a color filter on a window. So I guess its beyond my expertise too.

But big kuddos for the source code, so neat and so clean. I was very easy to read and understand, a real pleasure !

fennerm commented 4 years ago

Thanks :). Closing this, feel free to reopen if you change your mind.