fennerm / flashfocus

Simple focus animations for tiling window managers.
MIT License
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Flashfocus doesn't recognise Rofi window #49

Closed develFoss closed 4 years ago

develFoss commented 4 years ago

Flashfocus doesn't seem to recognize rofi window, even if I put rule for Rofi class in config file. "INFO: Window .... is not visible, ignoring..." Note that I have no opacity rule for rofi in compton.

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 WM: i3-gaps All package compton-tryone-git, rofi, flashfocus-git from aur and main repository.

fennerm commented 4 years ago

Probably rofi has some unconventional window properties. I’m a little split on whether it would even be such a good thing for flashfocus to affect rofi given that its usually pretty clear when rofi has focus.

I’d accept a PR to get this working as a config option but probably won’t implement this myself. Thanks for taking the time to file the bug report though!

develFoss commented 4 years ago

I tested it for a bit and it seems to not recognize Polybar and Dunst too, but I agree those are useless (and bad) to flash anyways. So yeah, it might be caused due to some window's properties. I've not gone through all your code to understand what exactly does this, so sadly I can't make a more thorough report.

Thanks for the reply. I really love this nice project. Hope you keep maintaining it.