fepegar / highresnet

PyTorch implementation of HighRes3DNet
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There is a promble about segmentation on unprocessed HCP (320×320×256) ? #42

Closed FreshmanMa closed 11 months ago

FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago

为啥我是27 why is 27? not 36

fepegar commented 11 months ago

Sorry, I need more context to help you.

FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago

Sorry, I need more context to help you. Thanks, I'm using deepgif to segement on preprocessed HCP 1200 MRI.nii.gz data?

FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago


FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago

So,deepgif is not suitable for preprocessed HCP 1200 MRI.nii.gz?

FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago

So,deepgif is not suitable for preprocessed HCP 1200 MRI.nii.gz?

Is suitable for this kind of mri data? image

fepegar commented 11 months ago

It should be. Have you tried?

FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago

It should be. Have you tried? Yeah,I had tried with deepgif. It doesn't work on my mri.nii.gz? I have no idea about how to do. I feel a little sad, can you give me some advice or provide other method to segmentation about my data? image

fepegar commented 11 months ago

Can you please clearly explain what you tried, what you expected and what happened? And share a minimal working example I can reproduce?

FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago

Can you please clearly explain what you tried, what you expected and what happened? And share a minimal working example I can reproduce?

OK,Thanks, I wanna use HighRes3DNet to do segmentation task on my 3d mri.nii.gz after skull-stripped, and get the picture like the following img which is included in the thesis, "MRI Super-Resolution with GAN and 3D Multi-Level DenseNet: Smaller, Faster, and Better". But, in this paper, their data is original data, is not preprocessed. I provide one data, 531536.nii.gz data. I use deefgif 531536.nii.gz to run, you can have try. image


fepegar commented 11 months ago

Here's a reproducible example using your data: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/12Z5QnWlGuShMnKlnM_HWmNdHNdmxoK2r?usp=sharing. It doesn't seem to generate good results. This is probably because the network wasn't trained on skull-stripped images.

I recommend using more modern and robust tools such as SynthSeg.

FreshmanMa commented 11 months ago

Ok, thanks very much, I'll try the SynthSeg! It's nice of you, thanks again!

fepegar commented 11 months ago

You're welcome!