fepegar / torchio

Medical imaging toolkit for deep learning
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Add 2D or 3D patches from 4D subjects #739

Closed tommy-qichang closed 2 years ago

tommy-qichang commented 2 years ago

🚀 Feature I'm currently using 4D cardiac MRI data with Nifti format. I just wondering if the UniformSampler could get the 2D or 3D patches from the 4D subjects? For instance, I have a Nifti data shape: (210,208,9,50), but it seems the subject parses it with the last dimension as a channel. As a result, the shape of the subject is (50,210,208,9) I want to sample the image along the last two dimensions: (210,208, 9*50 ). Just wondering if it's doable by using torchIO? Thanks

fepegar commented 2 years ago

Hi, @tommy-qichang. I'm not sure I understand.

  1. What do the dimensions represent?
  2. Is 50 the time?
  3. Can you please share that image?
  4. What do you mean by (210,208, 9*50)? That looks like three dimensions.
tommy-qichang commented 2 years ago
  1. for cardiac images, they are basically 4D volumes: 2D slices + 1D position + 1D time. So here, 210x208 is the dimension of one slice, and 9 means we take 9 position's images of the heart, and 50 means there are 50 consecutive phases in the whole cardiac circle.
  2. Yes.
  3. It's a private dataset so I'm afraid I could not share. I can share one nifti file of the mask rather than the original image.
  4. When I do the preprocessing, I need 2D batches like Bx1x210x208 (b x c x w x h) for the segmentation network. So the last two dimensions can be flattened and sampled from these 9*50 slices.
  5. Additionally, for 3D segmentation, I would like to sample from the t or position dimension, so 3D patches are like B x 1 x 32 x 32 x 5 (crop from 210x208x9x50)

It's a little bit complicated, and please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks.

tommy-qichang commented 2 years ago


  import nibabel as nib
  data = nib.load('5952291_20209_2_0_label_sa.nii.gz').get_fdata()
  (210, 208, 10, 50)
fepegar commented 2 years ago

Thanks for elaborating. I'm still not sure what your B means, so I don't fully understand everything. I think "2D slices + 1D position" is just "3D". There are some 3D+time images in the datasets.

In [1]: import torchio as tio

In [2]: fmri = tio.datasets.FPG(load_all=True).fmri

In [4]: fmri
Out[4]: ScalarImage(shape: (220, 70, 70, 40); spacing: (3.00, 3.00, 3.15); orientation: LAS+; path: "/home/fernando/.cache/torchio/fpg/fmri.nrrd")

In [5]: fmri.plot()


(Shown is the volume corresponding to the first time point)

Let's change the shape of the volume to match the one in your example:

In [6]: resize = tio.Resize((210, 208, 9))

In [7]: remove_time = tio.Lambda(lambda x: x[:50])

In [8]: fmri_new = resize(remove_time(fmri))

In [9]: fmri_new
Out[9]: ScalarImage(shape: (50, 210, 208, 9); spacing: (1.00, 1.01, 14.00); orientation: LAS+; dtype: torch.ShortTensor; memory: 37.5 MiB)

In [10]: fmri_new.plot()


Sampling 2D patches is quite straightforward: just use 3D patch sizes with one of the dimensions set to 1. There is an example in the gallery: Sample slices from volumes

In [11]: patch_size = (210, 208, 1)

In [12]: sampler = tio.UniformSampler(patch_size)

In [15]: subject = tio.Subject(image=fmri_new)

In [16]: patch = next(sampler(subject))

In [17]: patch.shape
Out[17]: (50, 210, 208, 1)

Sampling 3D patches across time is trickier because TorchIO was originally designed for 3D. But I can't really help much because I'm not sure what you're trying to get.

tommy-qichang commented 2 years ago

B means batch. Thank you for your quick reply and clarification. I'm quite new to this library so please bear with me for the naive questions. When you set the patch size as (210,208,1), can you also set how many samples for both Z dimension (50)? Or I just need these patches and the queue will do this?

Thanks again.

fepegar commented 2 years ago

No worries. The Z dimension is just like X and Y. It's more convenient to think of your data as a 3D volume, rather than a stack of 2D slices. You can use a 3D patch size, e.g. (32, 32, 5). The number of samples depends on... how many times you sample. Have you read the docs for Patch-based pipelines?

romainVala commented 2 years ago

When you set the patch size as (210,208,1), can you also set how many samples for both Z dimension (50)? Or I just need these patches and the queue will do this?

you can specify the samples_per_volume attribute from torchio.data.Queue but in the fernando example you get a random choise (uniform) of the selected slices, so if you ask 50 you may end up with several times the same slice ... if you want all slice, only once, you should use the GridSampler, as it as been recently added as acceptable sampling for the queue #520

tommy-qichang commented 2 years ago

Thank you @fepegar and @romainVala for your great help. Yeah, I've read the post, and I think TorchIO is a great library for medical 3D or 4D datasets. Previously, I just use pytorch dataset and data loader, which is good for the 2D datasets, but it's not compatible with 3D files shuffling and getting random 2D slices. I'll try and back to you if I need any further suggestion. Thank you again.

fepegar commented 2 years ago

No worries! I will close this issue. Please feel free to reopen the issue or a new discussion if you have more questions.