ferasm / reddhub

Issues list for the ReddHub win8 app
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Improve commenting - updated WYSWIG UI for comments #50

Open brockh opened 10 years ago

brockh commented 10 years ago

The comment submission UI is not touch-friendly. Consider making the icons larger and more representative of what it is they do. As far as I can tell, the image and hyperlink buttons have no function. If possible, make the post preview an option or an additional button (next to submit) that displays it as necessary. It takes up quite a lot of real estate on small screens!

Old: 9

Proposed (w/ obviously better icons/buttons): 9

ferasm commented 10 years ago

Ya, I have improving the UI of the pane on the todo list - the thinking is to make it more like this: image


brockh commented 10 years ago

Looks fantastic. Clear and usable.

meandyouandyouandme commented 10 years ago

Looks great.
Could you also implement that a paragraph is accepted as a paragraph when using the enter button, i.e. adding spaces to the end of the last line?

ferasm commented 10 years ago

@meandyouandyouandme - is that a 'thing'? Would hitting enter twice not give you that same thing?

meandyouandyouandme commented 10 years ago

Sorry, didn't mean to say paragraph. I meant starting on a new line. As it is on reddit you have to insert two spaces at the end of a line before hitting enter, so that a new line in the editor will also be displayed as a new line in the actual comment.

ferasm commented 10 years ago

I'm hesitant to change the behavior of what people expect though. Is there any other app that does this you're aware of?

meandyouandyouandme commented 10 years ago

I know Reddit2Go! does that.

ferasm commented 10 years ago

Does RES do this too? I'm still not 100% clear on it, sorry - I havent had a chance to dig in further either.

gschizas commented 10 years ago

RES does this too, yes. It doesn't matter though, as if you end a line with two spaces, it will show up as a comment in a new line (not new paragraph, more like a soft break, or a
). At least that's how reddit's markdown flavor is implemented anyway.

ferasm commented 10 years ago

Sorry for not getting it - but can you guys please explain exactly what the current behavior is, and what you'd like to see, regarding the 'paragraph getting accepted with a new line'?

Is it this: If a new line (enter) is detected, add a few spaces to the end automatically, so that when it renders, it renders a new line there as well, rather than the standard reddit ignoring it?

brockh commented 10 years ago

That sounds right to me.