Open martinshhh opened 1 year ago
This is extremely important else I have no way to even generate controllers for different environments : test/staging/prod.
ideally the BASE should just be set to ''
and that's it.
Sharing the fix here for visibility
Not sure if this is already possible, but my idea was to be able to set the BASE field on OpenAPIConfig through the npx command, something like:
npx openapi-typescript-codegen --input api-docs.json --output ./generated --basePath "pets-service"
The reason for this is because whenever the BE makes changes to the API I need to generate the clients again, and when I do this I need to change everytime the OpenAPI.ts BASE field to the one I want. Since I'm using a proxy on my requests, I cannot have the server-endpoint being set there due to CORS, that's why I change it.
This or a way to not make changes on the OpenAPI.ts file whenever we generate the clients.