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Ferdium 6.7.3 - No sound coming out in macOS #1727

Closed InitPatch closed 1 month ago

InitPatch commented 2 months ago

Avoid duplicates

Ferdium Version


What Operating System are you using?


Operating System Version

macOS Monterey 12.7.4

What arch are you using?


Last Known Working Ferdium version

Can't recall the number; the one before this one (regular, not nighty/pre-release)

Expected Behavior

When I play a sound or a video in Ferdium, no matter the service I'm using (WhatsApp/Slack/Twitter/etc... I should hear sounds.

Actual Behavior

I don't hear any sound coming out from Ferdium I do hear sounds when I use any other apps on my iMac

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open any service that can play sounds
  2. Play the sound or video

Debug link



No response

Additional information

No response

SpecialAro commented 2 months ago

Hi @InitPatch, can you make sure you didn't disable notifications/or sounds by accident?

InitPatch commented 2 months ago

Hi @SpecialAro I just did, and it's on, always has been actually

SpecialAro commented 2 months ago

And if you right click a specific service does it says enable sounds?

InitPatch commented 2 months ago

it says "disable audio", which means it's enabled:

InitPatch commented 1 month ago

Any other idea? Because I'm kinda blocked, as I work in the video game audio industry and need to send and receive a lot of audio and video files on Slack, Teams, Google Chat, etc... For now, the only way to mitigate this is by downloading every file from all services I use, which is not practical and time-consuming. Yes, I can download the respective apps meanwhile, but it kinda kills the purpose of keeping running Ferdi 😅 I appreciate all the help you can give me; or if I'm an isolated case, well; I'll have to wait until the next update and see if it magically fixes everything. Cheers!

SpecialAro commented 1 month ago

Hello again @InitPatch!

I just tested this in my macOS Sonoma and it works just fine (as intended). Maybe something broke on your end?

If you ping me on discord I can try to help you out... but I'll probably need you to setup a dev environment so we can test things out and properly debug.

InitPatch commented 1 month ago

I'm on macOS Monterey. I'll ping you on Discord.

InitPatch commented 1 month ago

Updating directly to the latest nightly build (6.7.4-nightly.3 ) appears to have resolved the issue.