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Upgrade pnpm to 9.1.4 #1795

Closed vraravam closed 3 weeks ago

vraravam commented 3 weeks ago

Pre-flight Checklist

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Description of Change

Upgrade pnpm to 9.1.4

Motivation and Context

From @Alphrag : A few things that I have seen that are good in it: it uses node-gyp v10.x which means rebuilding some dependencies won't fail (like sqlite3 if we wish at one point to upgrade it again to the latest version, but is not recommended atm), and allows shorter paths of included node-modules for windows which could fix a problem for some users



Release Notes

vraravam commented 3 weeks ago

Will need to wait for the next nightly so that other fixes can be released as a nightly. After which, we need to merge this PR, and finally upgrade the recipes submodule with the latest, and then test this PR

Alphrag commented 3 weeks ago

All good on Windows! image