fermi-lat / Fermitools-conda

Conda recipe files for the Fermi Sciencetools software analysis package: Fermitools
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Error using gtburst #135

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone, when I use the gtburst to download Fermi LAT data, I get an error.The specific gtburst.log file is as follows

Analysis started at 2022-10-13 16:23:38 by user jian

Welcome to the Fermi Burst Analysis GUI v. 03-00-00p5!
Credits: G.Vianello (giacomov@slac.stanford.edu), N.Omodei (nicola.omodei@gmail.com)
This software embeds:
 -gtapps_mp by J. Perkins (http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/analysis/user/)
 -APlpy                   (http://aplpy.github.io/)
These packages are property of the respective authors.
Use the -fast flag when running gtburst to speed up the code
 (the coinsole will not be captured in the GUI) 
Query parameters:
                    coordfield = 204.9,-8.4
                   coordsystem = J2000
                    shapefield = 60.0
                     timefield = 256534404.558,256549404.558
                      timetype = MET
                   energyfield = 30,1000000
        photonOrExtendedOrNone = Extended
                   destination = query
                    spacecraft = checked
url query: https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/ssc/LAT/LATDataQuery.cgi?coordfield=204.9%2C-8.4&coordsystem=J2000&shapefield=60.0&timefield=256534404.558%2C256549404.558&timetype=MET&energyfield=30%2C1000000&photonOrExtendedOrNone=Extended&destination=query&spacecraft=checked

Answer from the LAT data server:

Estimated Time For The Query....: 77.0
Local data repository (destination): /home/jian/FermiData/bn090217206 (already existent)
Retrieving L22101304284572741BED98_EV00.fits ...  done
Retrieving L22101304284572741BED98_SC00.fits ...  done

Download files done!
Writing /home/jian/FermiData/bn090217206/gll_cspec_tr_bn090217206_v00.rsp...
time -p gtselect infile=/home/jian/FermiData/bn090217206/gll_ft1_tr_bn090217206_v00.fit outfile=__temp_ft1.fits ra=204.9 dec=-8.4 rad=15.0 tmin=256538403.558 tmax=256540405.558 emin=10.0 emax=300000.0 zmin=0.0 zmax=110.0 evclass="INDEF" evtype="INDEF" convtype=-1 phasemin=0.0 phasemax=1.0 evtable="EVENTS" chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql"
/bin/sh: 1: time: not found
Writing /home/jian/FermiData/bn090217206/gll_cspec_tr_bn090217206_v00.pha...
 *  Get energy binning from the response matrix...
-------------- EXCEPTION ---------------------------

Snap! An unhandled exception has occurred at line 147 of file gtburst.py.

The program will try to continue running. If you think this is a bug, send a message to fermihelp@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov attaching your gtburst.log file.

The full traceback has been saved to the log and printed in the console.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/gtburst.py", line 137, in handle_exception
    return method(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/gtburst.py", line 1588, in downloadDataSetFromFTP
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/GtBurst/downloadTransientData.py", line 342, in getFTP
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/GtBurst/dataHandling.py", line 652, in _makeDatasetsOutOfLATdata
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/GtBurst/commands/gtllebin.py", line 56, in gtllebin
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/GtBurst/commands/gtllebin.py", line 95, in run
    lleData                     = dataHandling.LLEData(eventfile,rspfile,ft2file)
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/GtBurst/dataHandling.py", line 781, in __init__
    raise IOError("File %s does not exist!" % (eventFile))
OSError: File __temp_ft1.fits does not exist!

-------------- EXCEPTION ---------------------------
-------------- EXCEPTION ---------------------------

Snap! An unhandled exception has occurred at line 147 of file gtburst.py.

The program will try to continue running. If you think this is a bug, send a message to fermihelp@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov attaching your gtburst.log file.

The full traceback has been saved to the log and printed in the console.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/gtburst.py", line 137, in handle_exception
    return method(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fermitools/gtburst.py", line 1105, in run
  File "/home/jian/miniconda3/envs/fermi3ML/lib/python3.9/tkinter/__init__.py", line 1429, in mainloop

-------------- EXCEPTION ---------------------------

Note: OS: Linux DESKTOP-10UCA6U #1 SMP Mon Sep 19 19:14:52 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux Python V 3.9.13 pip V 22.2.2 Fermitools V 2.2.0
fermitools-data V 0.18

omodei commented 1 year ago

From your error log"/bin/sh: 1: time: not found" It looks like you don't have the "time" shell command installed, which is very strange as I think it comes with every unix/linux distribution. time program can be installed as: apt-get install time All that said, are you sure your system's sh is pointing to bash?

ghost commented 1 year ago

Problem solved, thanks to all developers!