fermisurfaces / IFermi

Fermi surface generation, analysis and visualisation.
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JOSS Review: Example Python script is missing properties #23

Closed Andrew-S-Rosen closed 3 years ago

Andrew-S-Rosen commented 3 years ago

RE: openjournals/joss-reviews#3089

In the main README, the example Python code crashes at isosurface.properties_norms because the surface does not have face properties. I would suggest one of two options:

  1. Remove isosurface.properties_norms and isosurface.scalar_projection((0, 0, 1) to exclude the property mapping altogether or
  2. Add property (e.g. velocity) data prior to calculating the norm of the vectors. A modified script is below that should work.
from pymatgen.io.vasp.outputs import Vasprun
from ifermi.surface import FermiSurface
from ifermi.interpolate import FourierInterpolator
from ifermi.plot import FermiSlicePlotter, FermiSurfacePlotter, save_plot, show_plot
from ifermi.kpoints import kpoints_from_bandstructure

# load VASP calculation outputs
vr = Vasprun("vasprun.xml")
bs = vr.get_band_structure()

# interpolate the energies onto a dense k-point mesh
interpolator = FourierInterpolator(bs)
dense_bs, velocities = interpolator.interpolate_bands(return_velocities=True)
dense_kpoints = kpoints_from_bandstructure(dense_bs)

# generate the Fermi surface and calculate the dimensionality
fs = FermiSurface.from_band_structure(
  dense_bs, mu=0.0, wigner_seitz=True, calculate_dimensionality=True,
  property_data=velocities, property_kpoints=dense_kpoints

# number of isosurfaces in the Fermi surface

# number of isosurfaces for each Spin channel

# the total area of the Fermi surface

# the area of each isosurface

# loop over all isosurfaces and check their properties
# the isosurfaces are given as a list for each spin channel
for spin, isosurfaces in fs.isosurfaces.items():
  for isosurface in isosurfaces:
    # the dimensionality (does the surface cross periodic boundaries)

    # what is the orientation

    # does the surface have face properties

    # calculate the norms of the properties

    # calculate scalar projection of properties on to [0 0 1] vector
    isosurface.scalar_projection((0, 0, 1))

    # uniformly sample the surface faces to a consistent density

# plot the Fermi surface
fs_plotter = FermiSurfacePlotter(fs)
plot = fs_plotter.get_plot()

# generate Fermi slice along the (0 0 1) plane going through the Γ-point.
fermi_slice = fs.get_fermi_slice((0, 0, 1))

# number of isolines in the slice

# do the lines have segment properties

# plot slice
slice_plotter = FermiSlicePlotter(fermi_slice)
plot = slice_plotter.get_plot()

save_plot(plot, "fermi-slice.png")  # saves the plot to a file
show_plot(plot)  # displays an interactive plot
utf commented 3 years ago

Thanks @arosen93. This is a great catch. I will update the script to include the projections.

utf commented 3 years ago

Ok, the README has been updated.