fermitools / poms

The Production Operations Management System (POMS) is a project designed to provide a service to assist production teams and analysis groups of experiments in their MC production and DATA processing.
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Implement Data Dispatcher and (if needed) MetaCat #8

Open LTrestka opened 1 year ago

LTrestka commented 1 year ago

Experiments will be using MetaCat and Data Dispatcher in the future for defining projects and metadata. Thus POMS needs to have Data Dispatcher (and possibly metacat) implemented at the campaign level (user selects SAM or Data Dispatcher at creation time). We can do this via bash tools, or a Python API (preferred) which shares many similarities to our current SAM implementation.

POMS should have a data dispatcher client that can be used to perform a similar work flow as SAM does today:

LTrestka commented 10 months ago

In develop branch, awaiting testing by experimenters