fermitools / poms

The Production Operations Management System (POMS) is a project designed to provide a service to assist production teams and analysis groups of experiments in their MC production and DATA processing.
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Provide campaign-wide job number #9

Open marcmengel opened 1 year ago

marcmengel commented 1 year ago

[this issue from @kutschke ]

For campaign stages that are, say, generating simulated events, etc. It would be good for a job to know that it is the N-th job in the overall campaign stage, not just the N-th job in this submission. So to support that knowlege, we could provide a value for how many non-recovery jobs the campaign stage has launched so far to the submission (via an environment variable passed into the launch); and the experiment code could then add $PROCESS or $JOBSUBJOBSECTION to get a campaign-stage-wide job number.

To do that we would need to track the number of jobs in each submission (which we would have to scrape from jobsub-submit arguments) and total them up for non-recovery launches for this campaign...

OR possibly we could just provide the information that this was the N-th non-recovery submission for this campaign stage, and the experimenter could multiply that by the expected number of jobs per submission, and add the $PROCESS or $JOBSUBJOBSECTION to again get the campaign-stage-wide job number. (i.e. to pick random number seeds and/or other generation parameters.)