I have an app, that shows posts on a vertical pager. Each page fills the whole screen.
So, when the app launches, I fetch the 10 most recent posts and display them.
As soon as those posts are fetched, I start listening for new posts. (see code below) Whenever that callback gets triggered, a new post is created. I take it and place it on the top of my list.
The thing is when I scroll to find the new post, its views get mixed up with the views of the next post.
Here's what I mean:
As you'll notice the image seems to be the same, but it shouldn’t! If I scroll for a while and then go back up, the new post will be fixed and display the proper image. (I'm using SDWebImageSwiftUI for async images, but I don't think it matters... I also used Apple's AsyncImage, with the same results)
Here's my feed view model:
@Published var feedPage: Page = .first()
@Published var feedItems = Array(0..<2)
var posts = [Post]()
private func subscribeToNewPosts() {
postsService.subscribeToNewPosts() { [weak self] post in
self?.posts.insert(post, at: 0)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.feedItems = Array(0..<(self?.posts.count ?? 1))
And here's my feed view:
private struct FeedPageView: View {
@EnvironmentObject private var viewModel: FeedView.ViewModel
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
Pager(page: viewModel.feedPage,
data: viewModel.feedItems,
id: \.self,
content: { index in
if index == 0 {
} else {
PostView(post: viewModel.posts[index - 1])
.onPageWillChange { index in
viewModel.willChangeVerticalPage(index: index)
Xcode version: 14.0 SwiftUIPager version: 2.5.0
I have an app, that shows posts on a vertical pager. Each page fills the whole screen.
So, when the app launches, I fetch the 10 most recent posts and display them. As soon as those posts are fetched, I start listening for new posts. (see code below) Whenever that callback gets triggered, a new post is created. I take it and place it on the top of my list.
The thing is when I scroll to find the new post, its views get mixed up with the views of the next post. Here's what I mean:
Before the new post, I have the one below https://imgur.com/a/ZmMzfvb
And then, a new post is added to the top https://imgur.com/a/PJ0trSF
As you'll notice the image seems to be the same, but it shouldn’t! If I scroll for a while and then go back up, the new post will be fixed and display the proper image. (I'm using
for async images, but I don't think it matters... I also used Apple'sAsyncImage
, with the same results)Here's my feed view model:
And here's my feed view:
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?