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Docs(v2): update snippets/examples to use manifest v2 #957

Closed vdice closed 10 months ago

vdice commented 11 months ago

Note: I'm also seeing manifest (v1) snippets in content/cloud which doesn't have a v2 delineation. What is our strategy/timing for updating these @tpmccallum @itowlson?

(Will continue under content/spin/v2 in the meantime...)

tpmccallum commented 10 months ago

Great question @vdice @mikkelhegn is going to tackle this in two stages.

Stage 1 Stage 1 is to update manifest examples in /spin/v2/ pages in a separate PR that we can merge now (asap); non-breaking because the v2 files have future publish in frontmatter. Re: https://www.notion.so/fermyon/Update-Manifests-examples-and-spin-new-examples-in-v2-pages-not-v1-legacy-folder-a1bb35329b9d4863b4f2ec434b71ea9f?pvs=4

Stage 2 Stage 2 is to update manifest examples in /cloud/ pages in a separate PR that we can merge as part of the flip-switch at announcement time < https://www.notion.so/fermyon/Update-Manifests-examples-and-spin-new-examples-in-Cloud-pages-not-v1-legacy-folder-d1e098f24cfe45768aa156b1deb6bbe3?pvs=4 >

Legacy The examples in v1 will just remain as is for correctness relative to Spin 1.x

I hope this answers your question; please let me know if there is anything I missed.