fermyon / spin

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[OTel]: Spans produced by `spin_sdk::key_value::Store::set` don't have a parent assigned #2525

Open ThorstenHans opened 1 month ago

ThorstenHans commented 1 month ago

Spans produced as part of using the key-value store set function, don't have a parent assigned. This results in having two independent traces from a single HTTP API invocation


I've tested other actions in the context of key-value store (such as exists and `get) which are all represented correctly:




See the following pseudo code for reproducing the behavior:

use spin_sdk::http::{IntoResponse, Request, Response};
use spin_sdk::http_component;
use spin_sdk::key_value::Store;

/// A simple Spin HTTP component.
fn handle_api(req: Request) -> anyhow::Result<impl IntoResponse> {
    println!("Handling request to {:?}", req.header("spin-full-url"));
    let store = Store::open_default()?;
    let exists = store.exists("foo")?;
    if !exists {
        return Ok(Response::new(404, ()));

    let Some(value) = store.get("foo")? else {
        return Ok(Response::new(204, ()));

    store.set("bar", b"baz")?;

        .header("content-type", "text/plain")
lann commented 1 month ago

Quick update on behalf of @calebschoepp: this seems to be a bug in tracing-opentelemetry. I believe he is still working on it.

calebschoepp commented 1 month ago

@ThorstenHans please try setting OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4318/v1/traces instead of OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4318. This disables metrics which is the issue I believe.

ThorstenHans commented 1 month ago

@calebschoepp I stumbled upon this as part of orchestrating a distributed application with .NET Aspire. Aspire specifies the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT automatically.

I think I could modify the overall Otel configuration manually, but it would be beneficial to get this fixes at some point without having users to modify standard behavior of Otel.

ThorstenHans commented 3 weeks ago

@calebschoepp you can reproduce the behavior by running the sample at https://github.com/fermyon/Aspire.Spin

cd example/host

dotnet run -lp http

curl http://localhost:3002

dotnet run will print the dashboard url, open that one and find the traces there

calebschoepp commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @ThorstenHans. Turns out we don't even need aspire to repro this. The following app repros the issue:

use spin_sdk::http::{IntoResponse, Request, Response};
use spin_sdk::http_component;
use spin_sdk::key_value::Store;

fn handle_api(req: Request) -> anyhow::Result<impl IntoResponse> {
    let store = Store::open_default()?;


    store.set("bar", b"baz")?;

        .header("content-type", "text/plain")

When OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT is set it has the issue. When OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT is set it does not have the error. This is still the only workaround I know of.

Spent all of yesterday trying to hunt this bug down and still didn't have any luck.

ThorstenHans commented 3 weeks ago

I remember times when I had similar problems with distributed tracing in dapr sdk for go... I'll check if I can find the corresponding issue... maybe we get some information or hint from that one

ThorstenHans commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe it's worth having a look @calebschoepp https://github.com/dapr/go-sdk/issues/355

calebschoepp commented 3 weeks ago

Small update: This is not an issue on the old Go and JS SDKs. No clue why it isn't an issue there, but maybe this is a hint that can help us.

lann commented 3 weeks ago

This is not an issue on the old Go and JS SDKs.

How old?

calebschoepp commented 3 weeks ago

This is not an issue on the old Go and JS SDKs.

How old?

@karthik2804 can you provide the versions of the SDKs we were testing with please?

karthik2804 commented 3 weeks ago

The go sdk - github.com/fermyon/spin-go-sdk v0.0.0-20240220234050-48ddef7a2617 The JS SDK - npm package spin-sdk 0.6.0 and plugin js2wasm 0.6.1