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Add version control support to `spin new` or spin CLI #2580

Open me-diru opened 2 weeks ago

me-diru commented 2 weeks ago

I wondered if adding a flag or an interactive prompt (a few ways suggested by @calebschoepp) asking for a Git repository initialization might help people get going from the start with their Spin application and track their code from the beginning.

Maybe we can take their github/gitlab-username in spin.toml

calebschoepp commented 2 weeks ago

I imagine it could be something like how cargo new works where there is a --vcs flag and a default. Likely we would start with options none or git. We can of course bikeshed the flag name and what the default is.

calebschoepp commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe we can take their github/gitlab-username in spin.toml

@me-diru Mind elaborating on what you mean by this?

itowlson commented 2 weeks ago

As a heads up we already have a --no-vcs flag, which I think suppresses .gitignore. Having a --vcs and --no-vcs which affect different things might be a bit regrettable.

me-diru commented 2 weeks ago

Maybe we can take their github/gitlab-username in spin.toml

@me-diru Mind elaborating on what you mean by this?

I thought we could input from the users in the top-level information in spin.toml to automate and set repository information in .git folder. However, I think --vcs flag that you shared covers this case as well.

itowlson commented 2 weeks ago

Are you suggesting we set up git config, or set a remote? I'd be extremely wary of that. Running git init for them is about as far as I'd want to go.

calebschoepp commented 2 weeks ago

+1 to be wary about setting up a remote. I think all we should do is git init.

me-diru commented 2 weeks ago

As a heads up we already have a --no-vcs flag, which I think suppresses .gitignore. Having a --vcs and --no-vcs which affect different things might be a bit regrettable.

thanks for pointing this out! Indeed, since we are generating a .gitignore with the spin new by default, maybe adding a git init is a good start?

Both will be ignored with --no-vcs flag

me-diru commented 2 weeks ago

Are you suggesting we set up git config, or set a remote? I'd be extremely wary of that. Running git init for them is about as far as I'd want to go.

+1 to be wary about setting up a remote. I think all we should do is git init.

Agree :D git init should be enough

calebschoepp commented 2 weeks ago

Sticking with just the --no-vcs flag is good IMO. The default would then be that we try to run git init unless you pass --no-vcs. We should of course gracefully fail if we can't run git init. Perhaps emitting some kind of spin_terminal::warn!("Failed to initialize a git repository for you").

itowlson commented 2 weeks ago

I am okay with that. So the proposed behaviour is:

Sound good? Anything more we need to specify? Unless there are any curlies here I'm gonna get out my big blue good-first-issue pen for this.

me-diru commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for laying that out so clearly. I will look into how to implement it :D

lann commented 2 weeks ago

I would suggest another check: git -C <new dir> rev-parse

If this succeeds then <new dir> is already (within) a git repo and git init should be skipped.

This will avoid creating unwanted nested repos if you are adding a spin app to some other project.