Introduce new top level item for displaying the dotnet Local Tools
Use dotnet tool list --local to discover locally installed tools (this operation is actually very fast, i think it just reads the manifest file)
New comands: "Add local tool", "Remove local tool". "Update local tools version"
The UX for adding/updating/removing is very similar to how packages are managed
Installation of local tools requires a local manifest file to exist, else you'll get the following error:
❯ dotnet tool install --local "Cake.Tool" --version "3.0.0"
Cannot find a manifest file.
For a list of locations searched, specify the "-d" option before the tool name.
If you intended to install a global tool, add `--global` to the command.
If you would like to create a manifest, use `dotnet new tool-manifest`, usually in the repo root directory.
I decided to not manage this in the extension as it's obvious to the user what needs to be done to resolve the error.
In hindsight, i don't think it's appropriate for this feature to land in this extension, and local tools are not really related to the solution. I will instead create a new extension for this feature.
Fixes #248
dotnet tool list --local
to discover locally installed tools (this operation is actually very fast, i think it just reads the manifest file)Installation of local tools requires a local manifest file to exist, else you'll get the following error:
I decided to not manage this in the extension as it's obvious to the user what needs to be done to resolve the error.