fernandokosh / redmine_time_tracker

A time tracker plugin for Redmine
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Standalone Window + enter issue number #32

Closed davidb2002 closed 13 years ago

davidb2002 commented 13 years ago

Firstly, really great tool! Making my life loads easier.

One annoyance is that I have to stay in redmine to use the logger. I would be nice if you could have the option to open the logger in a new window. Along with that, a way to manually enter an issue number in this new window. That way there isn't any need to go into redmine apart from logging in and initiating the timetracker.

delaitre commented 13 years ago

I don't know if I understood what you want correctly.

It seems that you want an application which allow you to enter an issue number and a start/stop button. If this is what you want, the better way to do this is probably to write a whole new application which uses the redmine REST API (I don't now if the current REST API allow to add new timelog). Indeed, you can even do a multi-platform application which do this, or one for your handset or whatever.

The most important part of the redmine_time_tracker plugin is not the start/stop logic but the whole rails controllers/views stuff. Thus, it doesn't make sense to reuse it for a standalone application.

I close this issue as I will not implement it. However, feel free to post a comment if I misunderstood something.

davidb2002 commented 13 years ago

You understood me compeltly and yes the API would ideally be the way to go. However, i think development is still way off for that. I just felt that as you have the whole start/stop thing nailed on, why not have an option to open it in a new window too thus making it a bit easier to use. The added features would allow users to use it without much need to going into redmine and this would make the time tracker much more useful.

delaitre commented 13 years ago

I don't see the benefit of your solution. At the moment you have a window with redmine which displays the time tracker (which is needed to know the issue number you will work on). You want a window which displays only the time tracker. The later is still a window which displays webpage but with less information. Thus, I don't see any benefit and this is why I'm wondering if I really understand what you want :)