fernandokosh / redmine_time_tracker

A time tracker plugin for Redmine
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About assets not showing (403) (RESOLVED) #80

Closed stephanebachelier closed 12 years ago

stephanebachelier commented 12 years ago

You should change permission for every file in plugin_assets/redmine_time_tracker/[images | javascripts | stylesheets] to have a read permissions for others, like a chmod o+r on each file.

$ cd /public/plugin_assets/redmine_time_tracker $ find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod o+r


delaitre commented 12 years ago

I've just tried to do a fresh clone of the repository and all files in the "assets" directory (and sub-directories) have read permissions for everyone.

If I remember correctly, the "plugin_assets" directory is where we have to copy the plugin asset files for them to be found by redmine. However, this is done by hand so I don't know what can be down at the plugin level to "fix" this.

stephanebachelier commented 12 years ago

If permissions are right in the plugin assets dir then nothing should be done, as copy files to plugin_assets should not modify file permissions. But maybe I'm wrong.

No matters, it is only a small annoyance that may already be fixed. Anyway great plugin, really useful.