Tabs would open when double-clicking an xml part, unlike now that they open on a single click
Collapsing the tree items of a part (i.e. its icons) should no longer happen on double click
Automatic saving of tabs (JetBrains-style) or save on demand?
If saving each tab on demand, tool should distinguish between this and saving the entire document. What action should Ctrl-S do then? What should happen when you close the document or the application without saving? Should it ask you whether you want to save each tab individually?
Given there will be a proper undo history per tab, an automatic save seems like a better idea
There could also be a tab for viewing an icon inserted, perhaps with pan / zoom controls and some file info (resolution, image format, file size, etc.)
What to do with the results control (for find results / XML validation errors) at the bottom?
Keep having a single control common to all tabs: the control should be aware of which tab launched it, and have the ability to re-open it if it was already closed
Have an independent tab for each results control needed: this seems a bit of an overkill. Not even Visual Studio does that for find results
Keep one control per tab: this might be the easiest thing to do, with users clearly knowing which tab triggered the results (the one they are looking at)
What should the tab title say?
If only showing the part name, you can easily end up with duplicates as soon as you open more than one document
If showing both file and part names, titles could be long
Intermediate approach, similarly to how IDEs resolve this:
When there is only one tab with that part name, show just that
When there is more than one, show also the file name
If there are still duplicates, show also the path
Also, check how viable it would be to highlight the part in the tree view that corresponds to the open tab
Maybe just temporarily, as soon as you have the focus on that tab
There could also be a find in tree view kind of manual action which would select the part there
When a document is closed, the associated tabs should obviously close as well
The selected item in the tree view should still be what decides which actions are available. This should be more intuitive than the currently focused editor deciding it
Actually, only for some actions such as inserting an icon. For purely code-related actions (validate XML, generate callbacks, etc.), it makes more sense if they are focused on the currently viewed tab
Main ideas:
do then? What should happen when you close the document or the application without saving? Should it ask you whether you want to save each tab individually?find in tree view
kind of manual action which would select the part there