feross / SpoofMAC

:briefcase: Change your MAC address for debugging
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Unable to run: sudo brew services start spoof-mac #117

Open mkelley33 opened 4 months ago

mkelley33 commented 4 months ago

I get the following error when I try to run sudo brew services start spoof-mac on MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1

This started happening after I installed MongoDB Community Edition 7.0

Warning: Taking root:admin ownership of some spoof-mac paths:
This will require manual removal of these paths using `sudo rm` on
brew upgrade/reinstall/uninstall.
Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error
Error: Failure while executing; `/bin/launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.spoof-mac.plist` exited with 5.
DIGIX666 commented 2 months ago

Hi @mkelley33

Did you run sudo brew services start spoof-mac to install spoof-mac? I have executed the command brew install spoof-mac and spoof-mac.py --help and it works fine for me.

mkelley33 commented 2 months ago

I ran brew install spoof-mac, then I ran sudo brew services start spoof-mac, which gave me the following error:

Warning: Taking root:admin ownership of some spoof-mac paths: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/spoof-mac/2.1.1_5/libexec/bin /opt/homebrew/Cellar/spoof-mac/2.1.1_5/libexec/bin/spoof-mac /opt/homebrew/opt/spoof-mac /opt/homebrew/opt/spoof-mac/bin /opt/homebrew/var/homebrew/linked/spoof-mac This will require manual removal of these paths using sudo rm on brew upgrade/reinstall/uninstall. Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error Error: Failure while executing; /bin/launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.spoof-mac.plist exited with 5.

@DIGIX666 Is there another way I should be starting the launch daemon?

mkelley33 commented 2 months ago

@DIGIX666 then when I run brew services start spoof-mac I get the following, which is helpful, but I'd like spoof-mac to start at startup.

Warning: spoof-mac must be run as root to start at system startup! ==> Successfully started spoof-mac (label: homebrew.mxcl.spoof-mac)

Do you know of a way around this?

DIGIX666 commented 2 months ago

Oh ok, I understand your request better now. Have you already tried the command spoof-mac.py --help to see if it returns the USAGE ?


Yes, your command sudo brew services start spoof-mac is indeed correct.

it's strange because the path for file homebrew.mxcl.spoof-mac.plist is not the same, me is SCR-20240419-nhml and you is /bin/launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.spoof-mac.plist

mkelley33 commented 1 month ago

@DIGIX666 I did try the --help command thanks, but I see this now when manually attempting to spoof:

sudo spoof-mac randomize en0
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
WARNING: The airport command line tool is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
For diagnosing Wi-Fi related issues, use the Wireless Diagnostics app or wdutil command line tool.
ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR): Can't assign requested address
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/homebrew/bin/spoof-mac", line 138, in <module>
    sys.exit(main(arguments, root_or_admin))
  File "/opt/homebrew/bin/spoof-mac", line 118, in main
    set_interface_mac(device, target_mac, port)
  File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/spoof-mac/2.1.1_5/libexec/lib/python3.12/site-packages/spoofmac/interface.py", line 540, in set_interface_mac
    spoofer.set_interface_mac(device, mac, port)
  File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/spoof-mac/2.1.1_5/libexec/lib/python3.12/site-packages/spoofmac/interface.py", line 450, in set_interface_mac
  File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/python@3.12/3.12.2_1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/subprocess.py", line 413, in check_call
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ifconfig', 'en0', 'ether', '08:00:27:1C:1D:6B']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
DIGIX666 commented 1 month ago

@mkelley33 It's normal, I have the same problem too. To successfully change your MAC address, you must forget the Wi-Fi network you are connected to and then run the command sudo spoof-mac.py randomize Wi-Fi or sudo spoof-mac.py randomize en0 . After that, reconnect to your Wi-Fi network and check the change with sudo spoof-mac.py list .