feross / SpoofMAC

:briefcase: Change your MAC address for debugging
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Belkin USB-C LAN does not work #72

Closed atwchiao closed 7 years ago

atwchiao commented 7 years ago

I am using Macbook pro late 2016 with Belkin USB-C LAN adapter. It doesn't work on mac spoofing. There are no errors after command issued. The mac address stays the same.

sudo spoof-mac set xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx en7 spoof-mac list ...

  • "Belkin USB-C LAN" on device "en7" with MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ...


cjbarker commented 7 years ago

Can you open a terminal and run the following command below.
networksetup -listallhardwareports

Please copy/paste output from the command when run on your Macbook with Belkin adapter enabled.

feross commented 7 years ago

Also, can you try running sudo spoof-mac randomize en7 and see if that works? I suspect you might be trying to set it to an invalid mac address, and it's just being ignored instead.

atwchiao commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the response, following are the command that I issued and results.

networksetup -listallhardwareports

Hardware Port: LPSS Serial Adapter (1) Device: lpss-serial1 Ethernet Address: N/A

Hardware Port: LPSS Serial Adapter (2) Device: lpss-serial2 Ethernet Address: N/A

Hardware Port: Belkin USB-C LAN Device: en7 Ethernet Address: 58:ef:68:13:8b:9e

Hardware Port: Wi-Fi Device: en0 Ethernet Address: f4:0f:24:34:c6:0a

Hardware Port: Bluetooth PAN Device: en5 Ethernet Address: f4:0f:24:16:eb:c5

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt 1 Device: en1 Ethernet Address: 7e:00:a0:c0:72:00

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt 1 Device: en2 Ethernet Address: 7e:00:a0:c0:72:04

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt 13 Device: en3 Ethernet Address: 7e:00:a0:c0:72:01

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt 14 Device: en4 Ethernet Address: 7e:00:a0:c0:72:05

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt Bridge Device: bridge0 Ethernet Address: 7e:00:a0:c0:72:00

VLAN Configurations

spoof-mac list

  • "LPSS Serial Adapter (1)" on device "lpss-serial1"
  • "LPSS Serial Adapter (2)" on device "lpss-serial2"
  • "Belkin USB-C LAN" on device "en7" with MAC address 58:EF:68:13:8B:9E
  • "Wi-Fi" on device "en0" with MAC address F4:0F:24:34:C6:0A
  • "Bluetooth PAN" on device "en5" with MAC address F4:0F:24:16:EB:C5
  • "Thunderbolt 1" on device "en1" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:00
  • "Thunderbolt 1" on device "en2" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:04
  • "Thunderbolt 13" on device "en3" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:01
  • "Thunderbolt 14" on device "en4" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:05
  • "Thunderbolt Bridge" on device "bridge0" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:00 sudo spoof-mac randomize en7 Password: spoof-mac list
  • "LPSS Serial Adapter (1)" on device "lpss-serial1"
  • "LPSS Serial Adapter (2)" on device "lpss-serial2"
  • "Belkin USB-C LAN" on device "en7" with MAC address 58:EF:68:13:8B:9E
  • "Wi-Fi" on device "en0" with MAC address F4:0F:24:34:C6:0A
  • "Bluetooth PAN" on device "en5" with MAC address F4:0F:24:16:EB:C5
  • "Thunderbolt 1" on device "en1" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:00
  • "Thunderbolt 1" on device "en2" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:04
  • "Thunderbolt 13" on device "en3" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:01
  • "Thunderbolt 14" on device "en4" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:05
  • "Thunderbolt Bridge" on device "bridge0" with MAC address 7E:00:A0:C0:72:00
feross commented 7 years ago

I'm inclined to guess that your Belkin device just doesn't support having it's MAC address changed. But maybe @cjbarker has a thought for what could be the problem.

atwchiao commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the information.