feroult / yawp

Kotlin/Java API framework for Google Appengine
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Transformer -> Memcache #72

Open danilodeLuca opened 8 years ago

danilodeLuca commented 8 years ago

I have one list with 50 objects. These objects have references(ids) to other entities. One transformer will do fetch on this references to bring the information, but in differents objects im doing the same fetch X times . Example: Students x Course. I have a list of 60 students, 20 are members of course "A" and 40 of course "B". I want to show the name of the students and course name. Queries: on Course "A" = 20, B = "40"; Students = 60. Its not necessary make all these queries on Course, would be nice to make only 2 queries and keep the information on "cache".