ferrous-systems / rust-training

Learning materials for the Rust Training courses by Ferrous Systems
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split Cargo slides #79

Closed listochkin closed 11 months ago

listochkin commented 1 year ago

Now we can pick and choose what part of the deck to present.

Added some extra info:

miguelraz commented 1 year ago

Ok, I like having split up the Cargo deck to something a lot more manageable, nice work there.

I may be wrong here, but I think the Cargo heading in the Summary should be pushed to the bottom as a subchapter in the Additional Material part in case people ask for it - the way you've written it now, a trainee would see our Index on the left hand side and see

# Rust Fundamentals
# Applied Rust 
# Cargo 
# Additional Materials

I will bikeshed this and say it should instead be

# Rust Fundamentals
# Applied Rust 
# Additional Materials
    ## Cargo
miguelraz commented 1 year ago

Nit pick time:

We should decide if bullet points always start with an uppercase or lowercase letter. This PR alternates between both and we should pick a style.

My vote is for starting all bullet points with uppercase.

I'm guessing we're gonna need a style guide at a future point.

listochkin commented 1 year ago

I don't really know about the bullet point style. I like seeing them the same everywhere, and yet once the slides are compiled and rendered by Reveal the uppercase bullet points seem too busy with capital letters almost jumping on top of each other.

Meanwhile using lowercase everywhere feels very wrong sometimes, especially when the bullet point has multiple sentences:

jonathanpallant commented 1 year ago

In English there are two kinds of bullet points:


jonathanpallant commented 11 months ago

@listochkin are you able to get this one wrapped up?

listochkin commented 11 months ago

I updated the summary page. mdslides doesn't support nested lists on summary page (and also doesn't support a few other features that I actually want, so I'll be sending some PRs there). Because of that for now I dumped all four decks into "Additional Material" section.

Also, changed all bullet points to lowercase initials for consistency. Looking back at the original version of slides I completely agree with Raz - capitalization was wild! I decided to keep capitalizing words like Rust, Cargo, C when they are at the beginning of a bullet. However, when they represent commands like cargo I keep them lowercase. In general lowercase works better for me visually: line lights in Reveal are very small for the font size and capitalized Bullet points feel too crammed.

Other than cosmetic updates the content is the same.

This should be ready for merging.

listochkin commented 11 months ago

@listochkin are you able to get this one wrapped up?

As a side note: GH notifications do not work for me as a tool at all. I only saw your nudge after I finished with the code and went to write a note above. Ping me on Zulip if you want to get things bumped up priority-wise.

jonathanpallant commented 11 months ago

What do you propose we put in the Roadmap for a standard training? Is there a "short version" we can give people so they know enough to be able to put simpleDB in a workspace? Or is the exercise enough to teach people that?

listochkin commented 11 months ago

I think "Cargo Workspaces" is the only one I would move to Applied Rust

"Using Cargo" deck is mostly for completeness. A trainer is going to show most day-to-day commands to participants anyway, and everything else is in there only if there are further questions from a group (Like: "What are features?" or "Can Cargo do cross-platform builds?"). "Dependency Management with Cargo" and "Rust Projects Build Time" are similar.

"Workspaces" deck alone is tiny, and can be shown / shared before the exercise.