ferrous26 / cs452-flaming-meme

CS452 Real Time Programming
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Master Blaster #105

Closed ferrous26 closed 10 years ago

ferrous26 commented 10 years ago

Master will run an evented simulation of the trains location. It will know the trains location at all times, be able to factor in acceleration, and calculate when to change train speeds for short moves. The simulation will run independent of the sensor feedback and only use sensor feedback to correct train positioning in the simulation.

Blaster will merge train control and the dumber parts of train driver into one task. Given that we use delay couriers now, it makes very little sense to separate the train driver from the control and then also have the master running. It is too complicated given its purpose and just adds a lot of duplicated logic to the system.

Blaster will notify Master when user input has changed the speed of the trains (including reverse), and will take speed change commands from Master.
