Open canihavethisone opened 3 years ago
I didn't even realize this was occurring. If camp to camp works let's use it.
I got spec tests to work using camptocamp-postfix (as per the metadata, ie the actual module used) but need to stub additional os facts. I don't have that info handy but will post it here when I find it.
Found it. The camptocamp-postfix module requires the os[family] fact to be resolvable, so in my wrapping module's spec/unit test I provide the following facts hash (as an example):
let(:facts) do
operatingsystem: 'CentOS',
os: {
family: 'RedHat',
name: 'CentOS',
architecture: 'amd64',
release: {
major: '8',
mountpoints: {
'/': {
filesystem: 'xfs',
device: '/dev/root',
I guess this could be added to secure_linux_cis/spec/default_module_facts.yml, however it should probably be added to the facts hash for each OS. Grepping the camptocamp-postfix module for 'master_os_template' (the cause of the error thrown when using it for spec tests in fixtures) reports the following finds:
data/os/Alpine.yaml:postfix::params::master_os_template: "postfix/" data/os/Solaris.yaml:postfix::params::master_os_template: "postfix/" data/osfamily/Suse.yaml:postfix::params::master_os_template: "postfix/" data/osfamily/RedHat.yaml:postfix::params::master_os_template: 'postfix/' data/osfamily/Debian.yaml:postfix::params::master_os_template: 'postfix/' data/osfamily/Suse/11.yaml:postfix::params::master_os_template: "postfix/{::operatingsystemrelease}.erb" manifests/params.pp:# [master_os_template] - (string) Path to the master template manifests/params.pp: String $master_os_template, manifests/files.pp: $postfix::params::master_os_template,
I am trying to understand why spec/unit tests fail with the camptocamp-postfix module that is specified in metadata, and instead use a puppet-postfix module served in fixtures from a github repo?
This restricts unit tests to require internet connectivity to resolve the postfix module from "". However, acceptance tests and real-world use of the module work with the camptocamp-postfix specified in metadata.
Any clarification of why this is so and if it can be fixed is appreciated.