fesch / CanZE

Take a closer look at your ZE car
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Language improvement, cleanup and support #455

Closed Albino-Zoe closed 1 year ago

Albino-Zoe commented 7 years ago


it would be possible for you to look at the created table? Matrix_Werte_CanZE_1_22.xlsx

I have selected from all screens which values ​​are displayed and in which way. It appears that sometimes a slightly different name may have been chosen for the same value. This can be confusing. I think it's good if it's always the same name. Do you also see it like that?

For example (Refer to the table for details on the screen name):

No.2 Echte Kapazität (SOC) (%) -> Real State of Charge (%) No.3 Echter Ladestatus % -> Real state of Charge (%)

No.6 Temperatur der Batteriemodule (°C) -> Battery Modules Temperatures (°C) No.7 Temperaturen -> Battery modules temperatures [°C]

No.12 Mögliche Ladeleistung kW -> Available Charging Power kW No.13 Ladeleistung kW -> Charger Power (kW) No.14 Wechselspannung [kW] -> AC power [kW]

No.17 Gleichstromleistung kW -> DC Power kW No.18 Gleichstromladeleistung (kW) -> DC Charging Power(kW)

No.19 Reichweite (km) -> Range (km) No.20 Verfügbare Reichweite -> Available range No.21 Verfügbare Reichweite (km) -> Available distance (km)

No.39 Kapazität (%) -> State of Charge (%) No.40 Ladezustand [%] -> State of charge [%]

No.48 Max AC Ladestrom Pilot Amp -> Max AC charge pilot Amp No.49 Pilotsignal (A) -> Pilot amp (A)

Perhaps it is also partially a different value, I'm not sure, I'am a "Newbie".

I would find this table also generally useful, maybe you want to use it for the HP ? Here is also the option to add, which values ​​are currently displayed in the car. This creates clarity, which values ​​are only displayed so far in the car and what CanZE additionally displays.

Last but not least the reference to a few small writing errors, etc.

screen Consumption: Power (kw) -> Power (kW)

screen Climate: Kühlungsstatus Tracktionsbatterie -> Kühlungsstatus Traktionsbatterie screen Climate: Compressor RPM -Translation-> Kompressor UpM screen Climate: Kühlungmodus der Traktionsbatterie -> Kühlungsmodus der Traktionsbatterie

screen Charging: Energy consumed kWh -Translation-> ??? (bisheriger Akkuverbrauch)

screen Charging Prediction: AC power [kW] -Translation-> Wechselspannung [kW] ???

KW is the unit of measure for power, but the German word "Wechselspannung" describes only the abbreviation AC. "AC Leistung [kW]" should be the correct translation.

I am looking forward to feedback.

Zoe Intens R240 (25.08.2016) 25.000km/Jahr CanZE (Android) (V1.22) mit KW902 ELM327 (27.01.2017)

yoh-there commented 3 years ago

I heard the Ph2 has some more understandable codes.

A good check for earthing is that it would rednose within 2 seconds of the charger contactor closing. AFAIK ZOE is very picky about earthing, but quite lenient on voltage swings.

landswellsong commented 3 years ago

Hmm I think the supervisor relates to some states the charger and the car goes through, might be helpful for our "add CCS to Kangoo" pet project. If we assume S2 to be the key that switches J1772 from Ready to Charge it starts making a lot of sense, except the Init* states, I mean, Lkg is probably Leakage and Chg is probaly Charge but what is being initialized and what's a type? Mystery.

I'm translating those to the best of my understanding (or lack of thereof) and flagging a TODO XML comment.

yoh-there commented 1 year ago

Closing (stale). If needed a new translation issue can be opened