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CanZE to showing lowest and highest charge of modules ? #783

Open dbwarrior1975 opened 8 months ago

dbwarrior1975 commented 8 months ago

I found out by clip tool that there is values for these values. Is there any interest to add them to UI ?

Lowest is : 7bb.6103.32 Highest is : 7bb.6103.48 alldata_of_LBC_ZE40 screenshot_of_clipTool

yoh-there commented 8 months ago

I've labeled this as an enhancement request. Fairly easy to do, though at the moment we're still struggling with a few issues, so it won't be "immediate". Thanks.

yoh-there commented 8 months ago

I did some checking. There are IMHO to issues that makes this less attractive than I first thought. 1) The data does not seem to be available for the LBC of the ZE50 model. 2) the actual data name is "Battery SOC of cell lowest voltage"

The latter may be nitpicking, but balancing does change the coulombs per cell. The former is. IMHO, with many more Ph2's now on the road, a more serious issue.