fesch / CanZE

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CanZE support for USB ELM327 #788

Open camilcll opened 7 months ago

camilcll commented 7 months ago


Would it be possible to use canZE with a USB ELM327 plugged in a computer? I might start looking at the code to see if I can contribute on this point.

fesch commented 7 months ago

Actually CanZE open the dongle via BT classic, thus serial. Writing a new driver for serial over USB should be easy and quite straight forward....

yoh-there commented 7 months ago

I know I am kicking in an open door, but you can only do this on a computer if it's emulating an Android device, so basically using the Android Studio environment, or maybe a Chromebook.

I couldn't get data over BT working on CanZE on my Chromebook BTW.

fesch commented 7 months ago

Windows 11 has Emulation for Android apps integrated :-) But connectivity was very poorly implemented last time I tried it ...