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Bluetooth support for Konnwei in iOS #792

Closed krekr closed 6 months ago

krekr commented 7 months ago

I just got confirmation that the WiFi version isn't produced anymore and will not come back. This is after receiving and returning 3 WiFi-versions that turned out to be BLE or Bluetooth.

This might be something to add to the "Hardware" documentation at https://canze.fisch.lu/hardware/ to prevent others falling into this rabbithole. I will be making a Cansee, but others might not be able to. Is BLE/Bluetooth support planned for the iOS version? I'd be happy to help testing and debugging.


yoh-there commented 7 months ago

@ik2wxx Should we stop mentioning the KONNWEI WiFi for iOS, and maybe advise that BLE dongle you have tested?

ik2wxx commented 7 months ago

OBD dongle I've tested, from left to right, top to bottom:

Konnwei (WiFi) Vgate (BLE), 2 different models. LELink (BLE) CanSee (WiFi) not in picture

IMG_7633 IMG_7632