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Design ER Diagram of Database #2

Open anilcancakir opened 7 years ago

anilcancakir commented 7 years ago

The project need to design a database with ER diagram. We decided the event fields on #1

Mertynkk commented 7 years ago


anilcancakir commented 7 years ago

The phycial diagram is available. Please generate this diagram(s) in here http://lectures.yasar.edu.tr/mod/assign/view.php?id=58783 by using this.


The project file in attachment of this comment. Festivent.vpp.zip

Mertynkk commented 7 years ago

ne istiyor şimdi burdan sonrasında ? Sen kapsamlı olan diagramı çizmişsin hangisini istiyor şimdi ? Ona göre bende akşam kasıyım birşeyler

ugokce commented 7 years ago

bu diagramın en son hali. bize bunun conceptual ve logical ı lazım.onlarda kolay zaten.ben şimdi visual paradigm de çizeceğim onları.Ancak bu db nin normalize edilmemiş hali lazım galba normalizasyon stepleri için.

ugokce commented 7 years ago

The last state of conceptual,logical and physical diagrams of database.Pictures of diagrams are included.


anilcancakir commented 7 years ago

The last idea "organizer" feature for events. We talked about that with @ugokce. I updated the phycial diagram and created a normalization diagram. normalization physical diagram

The Visual Paradigm Project Festivent.vpp.zip