festvox / festival

Festival Speech Synthesis System
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How do you set the maximum number of clients for the festival server? #28

Open agent-whisper opened 4 years ago

agent-whisper commented 4 years ago


I'm trying to deploy festival server as a docker container alongside a text-to-speech api in another container (which acts as the festival client), both are deployed as one pod in GKE. The api is expected to be able to process many concurrent requests. The set up is currently working, except when dealing with more than 10 concurrent request.

In this list of variable documentation, it mentioned a variable called server_max_clients with the default value of 10. I tried to change it by adding (set! server_max_clients '1000) in the .festivalrc file. (1000 is just a random high value)

This line changed the variable value when I activated the festival shell and inputting server_max_clients to see the value. But when I read the festival server log, it seemed to still refuse new clients when it is still serving 10 clients.

How do I properly set this variable? Or was there something I did wrong?

Thank you in advance.