festvox / festival

Festival Speech Synthesis System
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Bug report: Italian, accented letters and different encodings #66

Open d1nuc0m opened 2 years ago

d1nuc0m commented 2 years ago

Disclaimer: this has already been reported through email, this is not a support request but a bug report.

Bug When trying to read in Italian language a file containing accented characters, Festival isn't able to open if it is in UTF-8. As soon as the file is re-coded as lat1 (ISO-8859-15), everything works as expected.

Steps to reproduce


  1. MX Linux, Festival 2.5.0, with packages festival, festival-doc, festival-freebsoft-utils, festlex-cmu, festlex-ifd, festvox-italp16k, festvox-italpc16k, speech-dispatcher-festival
  2. Artix Linux, Festival 2.5.0, with packages festival-us, festival-freebsoft-utils (AUR), festival-italian (AUR), sox Applied patch as of issue #31 , using attached ~/.festivalrc

Temporary workarounds Re-encoding files to lat1 (ISO-8859-15) with recode, but it is a problem when trying to use festival with other software like Calibre or speechd, that still recommends festival as synthetizer. Avoid using accented letters in Italian is practically impossible and can't be suggested as a solution.