fetchcord / FetchCord

FetchCord grabs your OS info and displays it as Discord Rich Presence
MIT License
325 stars 19 forks source link

[CPU-Request] Add Image for FX-Series #116

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Debug info

Please run fetchcord --debug and put it here. You might also want to send the output of neofetch --noart(windows) or neofetch -- stdout(macos&linux) fetchcord --debug


deid: N/A
wmid: i3
wmline item 0: ['WM: i3 ']


fontline: ['Font: Noto Sans, 10 [GTK2/3] ']
termid: kitty
termline item 0: Terminal: kitty 
themeline: Theme: Sweet-Dark [GTK2/3] 

----HOST INFO----

hostline: Host: N/A
batteryline: Battery: N/A
resline: Resolution: 1920x1080, 1280x1024 

----GPU INFO----

gpuinfo: GPU: AMD Radeon HD 8800 Series 
gpuvendor: AMD

----CPU INFO----

cpuvendor: AMD
cpumodel: FX-6300 (6)
cpuinfo: CPU: AMD FX-6300  @ 3.700GHz 
cpuline item 0: ['CPU: AMD FX-6300 (6) @ 3.700GHz ']
memline: Memory: 4609MiB / 15990MiB 

----OS INFO----

sysosline: OS: Arch Linux x86_64
sysosid: Arch
diskline: Disk (/): 258G / 441G (62%) 
packagesline item 0: Packages: 2885 (pacman), 4 (flatpak) 
Unknown Host, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)
unknown CPU, contact us on github to resolve this.(Keyerror)


deid: N/A
wmid: i3


termid: kitty
shellid: zsh

----HOST INFO----

hostid: o

----GPU INFO----

gpuvendor: AMD

----CPU INFO----

cpumodel: FX-6300 (6)

neofetch --stdout

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 
Kernel: 5.9.10-zen1-1-zen 
Uptime: 21 hours, 38 mins 
Packages: 2885 (pacman), 4 (flatpak) 
Shell: zsh 5.8 
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1280x1024 
WM: i3 
Theme: Sweet-Dark [GTK2/3] 
Icons: Sweet-Rainbow [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: kitty 
CPU: AMD FX-6300 (6) @ 3.700GHz 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R7 370 / R9 270X/370X 
Memory: 4668MiB / 15990MiB 
GPU Driver: amdgpu 
CPU Usage: 7% 
Disk (/): 258G / 441G (62%) 
Font: Noto Sans, 10 [GTK2/3] 
Local IP: 
Locale: de_DE.UTF-8

Requested item

Here goes your desired os/de/wm/shell/hardware request A preview image for FX-Series CPUs. Currently there is only a image of a questionmark.

Other notes

Other notes about the request go here