fetchcord / FetchCord

FetchCord grabs your OS info and displays it as Discord Rich Presence
MIT License
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Fetch Cord not detecting i3WM as a Known DE #193

Open riconghost opened 2 years ago

riconghost commented 2 years ago

Debug info

*OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Host: Aspire A715-42G V1.07 Kernel: 5.16.1-arch1-1 Uptime: 16 mins Packages: 432 (pacman) Shell: bash 5.1.16 Resolution: 1920x1080 DE: i3 Theme: Adwaita [GTK2], Qogir-dark [GTK3] Icons: Adwaita [GTK2], Tela-circle-dark [GTK3] Terminal: gnome-terminal CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500U with Radeon Graphics (12) @ 2.100GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile / Max-Q GPU: AMD ATI 05:00.0 Lucienne Memory: 1159MiB / 7342MiB Battery1: 100% [Full] Disk (/): 3.5G / 469G (1%)

uptime in epoch: 1642605321.0 cpuid: 740476198437650473 cpuappid: 741152732756312125 termappid: 741328861115056160 hostappid: 744326890512318544 432 (pacman) ----out.py----

----DE/WM---- deid: i3

wmid: WM:

wmline item 0: WM: N/A


fontline: Font: N/A termid: 741328861115056160 termline item 0: gnome-terminal themeline: Adwaita [GTK2], Qogir-dark [GTK3]

----HOST INFO----

hostline: Aspire A715-42G V1.07 batteryline: 100% [Full] resline: 1920x1080

----GPU INFO----

gpuinfo: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile / Max-Q bash: line 1: glxinfo: command not found gpuvendor: nvidiaamd

----CPU INFO----

cpuvendor: amd cpumodel: Ryzen 5 cpuinfo: AMD Ryzen 5 5500U with Radeon Graphics (12) @ 2.100GHz cpuline item 0: AMD Ryzen 5 5500U with Radeon Graphics (12) @ 2.100GHz memline: 1159MiB / 7342MiB

----OS INFO----

sysosline: Arch Linux x86_64 sysosid: 740476198437650473 diskline: /): 3.5G / 469G (1%) packagesline item 0: 432 (pacman)

----testing.py---- ----DE/WM----

deid: i3

wmid: WM:


termid: 741328861115056160 shellid: bash

----HOST INFO----

hostid: 742887089179197462

----GPU INFO----

gpuvendor: nvidiaamd

----CPU INFO----

cpumodel: Ryzen 5

('DEFAULT', ) ('cycle_0', ) ('cycle_1', ) ('cycle_2', ) ('cycle_3', ) {} cycle0 not in : True try_connect(key="cycle0") on <pypresence.presence.Presence object at 0x7f70a94deb60>

Unknown DE/WM, contact us on github to resolve this. cycle 0

try_update(key="cycle0") on <pypresence.presence.Presence object at 0x7f70a94deb60> appid: 740476198437650473

Operating system & way of installation

Arch Linux December ISO Installed from AUR


Unknown DE/WM on Arch with i3WM

Other notes(optional)

Other notes about the error/issue