fetrarij / ngx-daterangepicker-material

Pure Angular 2+ date range picker with material design theme, a demo here:
MIT License
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Ng-popover close automatically when click date form date picker #456

Open aj-hops opened 1 year ago

aj-hops commented 1 year ago

Using owl-date-time-calendar inside the ng-popover menu

when use multiple ng-popover menu in one screen, and use popover-trigger="'outsideClick'" & popover-trigger="focus"

when selecting a date from owl-date-time-calendar inside ng-popover, the date picker does not consume the click, and ng-popover close automatically behaves like a click outside of the ng-popover and closes the ng-popover.

Angular : V11.0.4 Boostrap : V4.0.0

fetrarij commented 1 year ago

Hello @aj-hops are you sure you talk about ngx-daterangeicker-material?