feuery / qmapper

c++/common lisp tilemap editor thing
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This piece of crap doesn't compile in mac nor windows #17

Open feuery opened 6 years ago

feuery commented 6 years ago

Okay compiling this in windows takes some peculiar madness. Here's my finnish draft notes about how to do that, which are almost complete. The only problem is: they're not working, and win+msys2 requires a bit more pain tolerance than I have tonight

Asenna qt (33 gt jihuuuuu) git cloonaa projekti siirry projektikansioon kutsu e/Qt/5.10.0/mingw53/32/bin/qmake asenna libguile_devel asenna mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-glm asenna msys/libgc-devel asenna msys/libunistring-devel asenna gmp tällä https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/Installer/ /c/MinGW/bin/mingw-get.exe install gmp ln -s /mingw64/lib/libgmp.dll.a /usr/lib/libgmp.dll.a

feuery commented 6 years ago

This actually compiles on mac, but there it produces a metric fuckton of opengl errors. I'll leave this issue to rot here, if I ever get the inspiration to downgrade the shaders to something the prehistoric mac supports

feuery commented 5 years ago

Mac is probably never going to happen. Along with OS X 10.14 they published the news of deprecating opengl, which made me replace my old mac with an XPS13. So even if I were to rewrite the rendering on vulkan or metal, I have no devices to test this on.

Windows builds might happen one day. I'm not using guile anymore, and ECL replacing it might be not so hesitant to build there?