feulf / RainCMS

the coolest tool to create awesome websites
MIT License
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Can't install Rain #1

Open quangbahoa opened 12 years ago

quangbahoa commented 12 years ago

I just import sql to test but get some errors Front-end:

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' in C:\xampp\htdocs\dev\raincms\system\library\RainLoader.php on line 579


Parse error: parse error in C:\xampp\htdocs\dev\raincms\system\library\Loader.php on line 129

System informations: XAMPP 1.7.1 PHP Version 5.2.9

feulf commented 12 years ago

Hi Doobbe, Rain needs PHP >= 5.3, although I never tested it on windows I'm sure update PHP will solve your issue, you can download the latest XAMPP version from here: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html

Please give me a feedback as soon as you tested the new PHP

quangbahoa commented 12 years ago

Thanks for reply!

Project's wiki should have "requirements" section.

ghost commented 12 years ago

Hi - I also am having an install issue. I have unzipped and setup the db correctly. The http://site/admin page is completely blank. If I incorrectly configure the db access, I get an error to that effect. Where can I start my investigation? Enable debugging? thanks! Rob

feulf commented 12 years ago

Try to do chmod -r 777 cache chmod -r 777 public (correct it should be 755 with the right owner... but just to do a quick test).

If this won't work check the log file to see if you have any errors, or enable the debugging in php.ini with error_reporting = E_ALL.

Let me know if this solve your problem. Thanks

ghost commented 12 years ago

I ran the chmods - both ways, 755 and 777. Still no luck. The host is already set to that level of logging, and nothing appears neither onscreen nor in the error_log.

feulf commented 12 years ago

OK, I know it sucks but our best bet now is to use the simplest debugging techniques: echo 1;exit;

there's a file admin.php, try to put echo 1;exit; at the beginning, if you see 1 on screen means the file is called, than move the code echo 1; exit; and try step by step inside admin/boostrap.php, in this way you should localize where the script halt.

Also can please you give me more details about your server?

ghost commented 12 years ago

Hi - It's a typically configured ISP host - very wide variety of libraries, etc. I used the step method and got to: $loader->init_language(); That is the step it's failing on for me.

feulf commented 12 years ago

PHP => 5.3 right? OK, now can you go step by step inside RainAdminLoader::init_language()?

CanevasExpress commented 11 years ago

I'm trying Rain TPL3 on localhost (Wamp Server).

I got this error:

Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, admin@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

Can somebody help?


feulf commented 11 years ago

This is the RainCMS issue pages, so are you asking about RainTPL3 in RainCMS? I suggest to take a look at your error_log, because that error is too generic to understand what is the problem.

CanevasExpress commented 11 years ago

Hi! I meant RAINCMS-Master...! I'm trying both RAINTPL and RAINCMS!

error_log => [Sun Nov 25 17:08:41 2012] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/apache2, referer: http://localhost/CE1.3/install/

Thank you to help.

feulf commented 11 years ago

Seams like a configuration error of Apache. Can you run other PHP application? And are you trying to install RainCMS on a windows machine in local or on a remote server?

CanevasExpress commented 11 years ago

..On a windows machine in local (wampserver => c:\wamp\www\RainCMS)

feulf commented 11 years ago

Have you already try to run other PHP applications?

CanevasExpress commented 11 years ago

RainTPL works very well...!

I have problems with RAINCMS and RAINFRAMWORK where.

1-RAINCMS => ERROR: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, admin@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

2-RAINFRAMEWORK => ERROR: SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for Fatal error: Class 'DB' not found in C:\wamp\www\rainframework-master\system\library\Loader.php on line 238 Call Stack: 0.0011 243112 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\rainframework-master\index.php:0 0.0035 252904 2. require_once('C:\wamp\www\rainframework-master\app\bootstrap.php') C:\wamp\www\rainframework-master\index.php:16 0.0159 603544 3. Loader->init_db() C:\wamp\www\rainframework-master\app\bootstrap.php:6

Maybe, there's something to do before starting...but I don't know where and how? :(

feulf commented 11 years ago

Have you created the database mysql and configured the account information in config/db.php? After you create a database "rain" you can import the dump file: https://github.com/rainphp/RainCMS/blob/master/raincms.sql

These days we're doing big structural changes, so the new version may automatically solve your problem. Should be released withing 2 days.

CanevasExpress commented 11 years ago

..I still have the the same problem!

My "/config/db.php" is like this:

<?php $db = array( // development database (default) 'dev' => array( 'driver' => 'mysql', 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'database' => 'rain' ), //production database (live website) 'raincms.com' => array( 'driver' => '', 'hostname' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'database' => '' ) ); .... if (!defined("DB_PREFIX"))

define ("DB_PREFIX", "");

...?? :[

feulf commented 11 years ago

Hey, I did some big push few days ago, can you try to download the latest version and check if solve your problem? If doesn't contact me privately and we'll work together to fix your issue. Thanks

CanevasExpress commented 11 years ago

Well, First, full of thanks to your help.

Finally, the problem is solved.

I done these:

1- I put a password [root] to mysql_DB named [rain) ==> I changed my [apps/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php] to do it. 2- Your code began by [<?] so, I change it = to [<?php]. 3- I turned out [.htaccess] ==> to [x.htaccess]

....And now? :)

feulf commented 11 years ago

Now you can go on the control panel:

http://yoursite/admin login: demo@demo.com pw: demo

and start editing your website, we're still working on many features and preparing the app-store, so that you can download modules, plugins and themes directly from the control panel.

The front-end tool are still a work in progress, but you can already edit most of the contents with a double click on it. You can already add new blocks and move them on the load area, not yet in the new design, but I'm working on it. Soon we'll implement the image upload with drag&drop

Let me know if you have any questions, also contributions, bug reporting and feedbacks are totally welcome!

CanevasExpress commented 11 years ago

..I can't access to control panel !!

http://locahost/mysite/admin ==>

Index of /RainCMS-CANEVASEXPRESS/admin [ICO] Name Last modified Size Description [DIR] Parent Directory -
[ ] ajax.bootstrap.php 02-Dec-2012 21:36 570
[ ] bootstrap.php 02-Dec-2012 21:36 659
[DIR] controllers/ 02-Dec-2012 21:36 -
[DIR] library/ 02-Dec-2012 21:36 -
[DIR] models/ 02-Dec-2012 21:36 -
[ ] setup.php 02-Dec-2012 21:36 659
[DIR] views/ 02-Dec-2012 21:36 -


feulf commented 11 years ago

Few questions:

  1. is the website working?
  2. are you able to navigate the website?
  3. http://locahost/mysite/admin.php works?
  4. is rewrite rules working?

Since you're on windows and I can't recreate your environment it could be easier to work together on it with screen sharing, can you please contact me privately?You find my email in each PHP file of the project.


MrDream commented 11 years ago

Hi! I need to use nginx web server, may you help me to convert .htaccess in nginx rules? Online converters cann't do it and I get 500 or 403 error

feulf commented 11 years ago

Hi, I've just installed nginx and I'm trying some configuration, I'll get back to you soon!