fewieden / MMM-soccer

European Soccer Standings Module for MagicMirror²
MIT License
31 stars 24 forks source link

Current League "1. Bundesliga" #20

Closed stefan1402 closed 5 years ago

stefan1402 commented 5 years ago

Hello, how do I set the current league for Germany league 1?

fewieden commented 5 years ago

The api changed and it is no longer providing new data.

You need to use the develop branch, where I have a work in progress v2 of the module which supports the current standings of the 1. Bundesliga

git checkout develop

fewieden commented 5 years ago

Did it work for you?

stefan1402 commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I dont know what to do, if possible, you can also write me in German :)

falls möglich, kannst du es mir auch auf deutsch schreiben :)

fewieden commented 5 years ago
  1. Open a the terminal.
  2. Type in cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-soccer to switch directory.
  3. Execute git checkout develop to switch to the develop branch.
  4. Restart your mirror.
stefan1402 commented 5 years ago

If i do this in directory modules: error: pathspec 'develop' did not match any file(s) known to git.

but if i switch to cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-soccer "Branch develop konfiguriert zum Folgen von Remote-Branch develop von origin. Zu neuem Branch 'develop' gewechselt"

Whats the correct League ID? i tryed leagues: {"GERMANY":452} / "BL1" but only "loading" in the table on the mirror

my config: config: { api_key: "apikey", colored: true, show: 'GERMANY', focus_on: {"GERMANY": "FC Bayern München"}, max_teams: 8, leagues: {"GERMANY":452} }

fewieden commented 5 years ago

It was my bad, but you figured out the correct directory.

The league code for germany is 2002. It's set by default so you can omit it in the config.

config: {
  api_key: "apikey",
  colored: true,
  show: 'GERMANY',
  focus_on: {"GERMANY": "FC Bayern München"},
  max_teams: 8,


stefan1402 commented 5 years ago

it works!! Thank u so much :)