ffac / gluon-mesh-vpn-wireguard

FFAC packages for automatic registration of gluon-mesh-vpn-wireguard from gluon. Has support for v2021
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Test working scheduled-sysupgrade #1

Open maurerle opened 1 year ago

maurerle commented 1 year ago

This issue documents the tests for the scheduled-sysupgrade

Download works as expected:

/usr/bin# ./gluon-check-available 
Retrieving manifest from http://firmware.freifunk-aachen.de/firmware/from-2022.1.x/stable/sysupgrade/experimental.manifest ...
Stopping cron...
Stopping urngd...
Stopping micrond...
Stopping sysntpd...
Stopping gluon-radvd...
Stopping uhttpd...
Stopping sse-multiplexd...
Stopping gluon-respondd...
vm.drop_caches = 3
Downloading image:  8120 / 8120 KiB
autoupdater: info: Aborting successful upgrade because simulation was requested.
autoupdater: info: You can find the firmware file in /tmp/firmware.bin
Starting gluon-respondd...
Starting sse-multiplexd...
Starting uhttpd...
Starting gluon-radvd...
Starting cron...
Starting urngd...
Starting micrond...
Starting sysntpd...
/usr/bin# ls /tmp
TZ                          gluon                       run
WG_REGISTRATION_SUCCESSFUL  gw                          shm
board.json                  hosts                       ssid-changer-count
dhcp.leases                 lib                         state
dnsmasq.d                   lock                        sysinfo
etc                         log                         sysupgrade.meta
extroot                     overlay                     tmp
firmware.bin                resolv.conf                 wireguard
firmware_available          resolv.conf.d
maurerle commented 1 year ago


Also mention: https://freifunk.in-kiel.de/blog/2019/04/13/BATMAN-migration.html

as it solves a related use case