Open lzxtct opened 8 years ago
Hi, in the setup EnergyCam and raspberry pi with im871A, the EnergyCam sends data via wM-Bus and the im871 is used as a receiver. If you want to send data from im871a Board you have to configure this board as sender in the same mode (S1, S2, T1, T2) as the im871a-USB.
Hi, I try to write some code for IM871 broad of slave, but I am so confused. In your file of "wmbus.c" , when you set up the imst stick, the databyte[MID]= DEVMGMT_MSG_CONFIG_REQ. As I noticed from the datasheet, if i want to send the data from im871broad to im871a-usb adapter, firstly send HCI command(include SOF, CF_EID, MID, LENGTH, PAYLOAD)when im871-usb receive this command without the error, it will reply a respone to Im871 broad. Does this means that it has to set MID=DEVMGMT_MSG_CONFIG_RSP in both side, in order to set up the communication?
Hi, the latest documentation from IMST is avaliable at:
DEVMGMT_MSG_GET_CONFIG_RSP and DEVMGMT_MSG_SET_CONFIG_RSP are the answers of the device to read and write the device configuration.
You have to use the DEVMGMT_MSG_SET_CONFIG_REQ command to configure one device to the device mode "meter" and the other to the device mode "other" - see chapter
In the setup EnergyCam and raspberry pi with IM871A, the EnergyCam is a "meter" and the IM871A is "other". The EnergyCam sends the wM-Bus data, the IM871A receives the data.
hi, @ffcrg you did a great job! @lzxtct too, I'm working on the same project. I would like to let two usb-im871A communicate. An im871a-usb connected to the pc and one connected to the raspberry. Were you able to carry out the project? Also I am not an expert in this subject and I do not know how to do it.
Hi, @ffcrg I get wm-bus stick not found when I run the app, did you guys have a problem like this? I am using im871A-USB for this?
I get also the same message when I changed the baud rate inside the wmbus.c script. Did you resolve it ? are you able to read the received data through the provided script ?
I am a student, and i am working on my project, i used the im871a-usb adapter connect with raspberry pi to receive the data from im871a(rf module, wireless m-bus technique). in your project, you are using the energycam to record the data and transfer the data over M-bus.can I ask how could you transfer the data to raspberry pi in your code? If my raspberry pi wants to receive the data from im871a board, Do you know how can I do in the code? sorry, i am totally new in this aspect. Your response is really helpful for me. Thank you so much.