ffes / domoticz-buienradar

Domoticz Buienradar.nl Weather Lookup Plugin
MIT License
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Buienradar plugin killes Domotiz #32

Open Dylantje opened 5 years ago

Dylantje commented 5 years ago

Dear developer... When i try to activate the plugin in Domoticz[ latest beta ] Domoticz crash in 2 secondes, no log or.....

when i restart domoticz and i am fast then i can set the plugin off. And is domoticz running without any problem. [ i use servel other plugins.. Is there perhaps something i need to install? Or is there something else i can do?

Or perhaps you can..


edit.. Kils on a Rp3 And also on a Odroid N2 Last Beta i run always

dheuts90 commented 5 years ago

Same problem here. Rpi 4 with Buster installed and latest Domoticz Stable

frankvandenbergh commented 5 years ago

Same issue here. v4.10717 with pi 3

dnpwwo commented 5 years ago

Can someone run Domoticz from the RPi command line and post the output please.

frankvandenbergh commented 5 years ago

If you give me some directions I will send you the output.

A couple of days ago I installed this plugin and it ran for about a whole day. Yesterday I noticed my Domoticz was down (in spite of running Monit). Next I disabled Buienradar and Domoticz runs for half a day.

dnpwwo commented 5 years ago

on RPi or any Linux goto the directory where domoticz is and type:

 ./domoticz > domoticz.log

then post the log file after the crash

frankvandenbergh commented 5 years ago

domoticz.log domoticz_crash.log

Enclosed some files. But I just had a crash and the log files was on, these are the last entries: 2019-08-22 11:55:12.324 (Buienradar) Retrieve weather data from http://xml.buienradar.nl/ 2019-08-22 11:55:12.684 (Buienradar) No Visibility info found in your weather station, getting visibility info from weather station De Bilt 2019-08-22 11:55:12.684 (Buienradar) Temperature: 21.3 2019-08-22 11:55:12.684 (Buienradar) Wind Speed: 3.0 | Wind Bearing: 229.0 | Wind Direction: SW | Wind Speed Gusts: 5.8 | Wind Chill: 21.3 2019-08-22 11:55:12.684 (Buienradar) Barometer: 1025.6 | Barometer Forecast: 0 2019-08-22 11:55:12.685 (Buienradar) Humidity: 56 | Humidity status: 0 2019-08-22 11:55:12.685 (Buienradar) Visibility: 20700.0 2019-08-22 11:55:12.685 (Buienradar) Solar Irradiance: 659.0 2019-08-22 11:55:12.685 (Buienradar) Rain rate: 0 2019-08-22 11:55:12.685 (Buienradar) Todays rain is 0.0 mm 2019-08-22 11:55:12.685 (Buienradar) Weather prediction today: Zonnig en dagelijks warmer (Opgesteld op donderdag 22 aug 2019 om 11:30) 2019-08-22 11:55:12.693 (Buienradar) Update Buienradar - Temperature: 0 - '21.3;56;0' 2019-08-22 11:55:12.700 (Buienradar) Update Buienradar - Wind: 0 - '229.0;SW;30;58;21.3;21.3' 2019-08-22 11:55:12.708 (Buienradar) Update Buienradar - Visibility: 0 - '20.7' 2019-08-22 11:55:12.714 (Buienradar) Update Buienradar - Solar Radiation: 0 - '659.0' 2019-08-22 11:55:13.047 (Buienradar) Rain forecast: 0.0 mm | 0 mm/hour 2019-08-22 11:55:36.961 (P1-Wifi Gateway) P1 Smart Meter (Electra) 2019-08-22 11:55:36.968 (P1-Wifi Gateway) P1 Smart Meter (Gas) 2019-08-22 11:57:16.926 (P1-Wifi Gateway) P1 Smart Meter (Electra) 2019-08-22 11:58:56.942 (P1-Wifi Gateway) P1 Smart Meter (Electra) 2019-08-22 12:00:12.843 (Buienradar) Retrieve weather data from http://xml.buienradar.nl/ 2019-08-22 12:00:13.040 Error: Domoticz(pid:1027, tid:1034('PluginMgr')) received fatal signal 6 (Aborted) 2019-08-22 12:00:13.040 Error: siginfo address=0x403, address=(nil)

dnpwwo commented 5 years ago

The domoticz_crash.log shows the main thread crashing, the plugin framework (Thread 4) is sleeping. The domoticz.log also seems to be the main thread crashing.

Can you post a link to the plugin source that you are running?

edwinvd1 commented 5 years ago

same problem

robertdelpeut commented 4 years ago

Apply the fix supplied by Pastinakel: https://github.com/ffes/domoticz-buienradar/issues/23#issuecomment-489058109

edwinvd1 commented 4 years ago

is er al een oplossing voor dit probleem? bij mij cracht hij ook met deze melding. Domoticz(pid:3331, tid:3337('PluginMgr')) received fatal signal 11 (Segmentation fault)

Dylantje commented 4 years ago

hardcore buienradar.. dus geen plugin meer nodig ff met ftp je plugin eruit gooien en dan reboot daarna ff nieuwe hardware buienradar

edwinvd1 commented 4 years ago

ik zie geen buienradar bij hardware. Version: 4.10717

zit in de beta.

Gemies commented 4 years ago

Beta updaten naar laatste versie,. Dan is het vinden onder hardware. Werkt perfect. Alleen doen als je geen Zwave hebt anders kan het zijn dat de devices niet langer bedienbaar zijn.

robertdelpeut commented 4 years ago

Hier de laatste beta inclusief ZWave, alles blijft momenteel bedienbaar.

Dylantje commented 4 years ago

Beta updaten naar laatste versie,. Dan is het vinden onder hardware. Werkt perfect. Alleen doen als je geen Zwave hebt anders kan het zijn dat de devices niet langer bedienbaar zijn.

Tsja ik vraag me af wat je bedoelt?

Gemies commented 4 years ago

Als je geen Zwave devices het kun je mijn opmerking terzijde leggen. Gewoon updaten naar laatste beta en whalla een werkende Buienradar in je hardware tab.:grinning:

steef84 commented 4 years ago

for me the fix was sudo apt install python3-dev on rpi2