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Increase RRD-Timeout to 10 minutes to avoid unknown data #35

Closed adlerweb closed 9 years ago

adlerweb commented 9 years ago

The default rrd configuration expects new values every 60 seconds and will record "UNKNOWN" after 120 seconds, however the README suggests to run the script every 5 minutes. Since this is longer than the RRD heartbeat interval every rrd will only record unknown/offline and not the desired node statistics.

I suggest this change to increase the RRD heartbeat (=timeout) to 10 minutes - too frequent updates may cause performance issues. More frequent RRAs are still in place so the community can still use faster updates if desired. as an alternative, I would suggest to change the readme so cron will call the script every minute instead of every 5 minutes.

tcatm commented 9 years ago

I'd prefer changing the readme to run it every minute. That's what most communities do anyway.