ffnord / ffnord-puppet-gateway

Deploy and manage your Freifunk community gateway, mostly compatible with Gluon.
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fastd and mesh changes #128

Closed ohrensessel closed 7 years ago

ohrensessel commented 8 years ago

methods and interface name are now configurable. a second fastd instance is added to each mesh serving for inter-gw traffic

rubo77 commented 8 years ago

I adapted my manifest.pp as far as I could: https://github.com/rubo77/ffnord-example/commit/23190207605c943ad51e52cedd8143c048f8e5f1

Now I get the error:

Cannot reassign variable mesh_interface at /etc/puppet/modules/ffnord/manifests/init.pp:47

This error is gone, if you configure a $mesh_interface and $gw_interface in your manifest, just the empty name doesn't work like this

sargon commented 8 years ago

You have to introduce a new variable which is mutable and use that in all declarations, where the original/non-mutable variable is used.

sargon commented 8 years ago

This Change-set forces an extra gateway fastd instance for every mesh, instantiated on the server. So for multi community setups you will have at least four fastd instances running.

Furthermore the gatway only fastd scheme is enforced. Which I dislike, hence it enforces restructuring the the fastd key handling. Hence increase the restructuring work needed to migrate to gateways setup with this puppet package harder. Especially if there are gateway server in the network whose are not managed with the package. So I vote for opt-in for this feature.

MTRNord commented 7 years ago

Info Kommentar: Meine PR ( #176 )hatte dadurch, dass ich die lint fehler berichtigt habe auch zeilen verschoben. Deswegen der conflict.

rubo77 commented 7 years ago

The idea with the $fastd_methods was nice, should we adapt that part?