sysctl -a > tag-2017-01-14-after-mod-sysctl-fix
diff -Nup tag-2017-01-14-pre-mod-sysctl-fix tag-2017-01-14-after-mod-sysctl-fix |less
Found this depency while backtracking why net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=1048576 was not set.
see #172 for the new file /etc/sysctl.d/conntrack.conf
The file /etc/sysctl.d/conntrack.conf is created at manifests/system.pp
sysctl doesn't load the values for modules. Add those to the /etc/module file
list of modules determined via:
Tested via
Found this depency while backtracking why
was not set.see #172 for the new fileThe file/etc/sysctl.d/conntrack.conf
is created at manifests/system.pp