ffoodd / a11y.css

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Update links to RGAA criteries #443

Closed zwiastunsw closed 1 year ago

zwiastunsw commented 2 years ago

The web addresses for the RGAA 3 criteries no longer exist. It is also not possible to refer to specific RGAA 4 criteria because the criteria headings on https://www.numerique.gouv.fr/publications/rgaa-accessibilite/methode-rgaa/criteres/#contenu do not have identifiers. Would it not be a good idea to update the addresses, using the page published by tanaguru https://rgaa.tanaguru.com/?

ffoodd commented 2 years ago

Nice spot, thanks! Criteria headings do have identifiers (eg. 1.1) — however some criteria were abandoned while some appeared.

I'm afraid there's quite a few checks to do before updating links—but will try!

zwiastunsw commented 2 years ago

Give me 2-3 weeks. I will prepare a pull request with changes. There is a bit of work to be done as the numbering of some criteria has also changed.

In the meantime, however, a simple quick change can be made - change the addresses from https://references.modernisation.gouv.fr/rgaa/criteres.html#... to https://rgaa.tanaguru.com/rgaa3-criteres.html#...

PhilippeVay commented 1 year ago

A new site is in beta at this address: https://accessibilite.numerique.gouv.fr/methode/criteres-et-tests/
It should've replaced the current RGAA 4.1 site a few weeks ago, I guess something else blocks the announcement?

ids have changed: Type (FR) Type (EN) Old id New id Note
Thématique Topic #topic10 #10
Critère Criteria #crit-10-6 #10.6 Now with a dot
Test Test #test-10-8-1 #10.8.1 collapsed content becomes visible / deployed when needed 👍
Méthodologie Methodology Ø #fr-1.1.4 Stays collapsed. ARIA thing for the dropdown button[aria-controls="fr-1.1.4"], probably not meant to be used with anchors

IMHO it's better to wait a few weeks for the final URL (or switch URLs and ids now, then mass-replace the domain if it changes in a few weeks).

ffoodd commented 1 year ago

The new accessibilite.numerique.gouv.fr is now stable and the official RGAA website.

Moreover the RGAA 4.1.1 was released last week, so there might be other changes.

I'll tackle reamining links once I'm done with moving the webextension to manifest V3, if it's still hanging.

zwiastunsw commented 1 year ago

See: https://www.accede-web.com/notices/html-et-css/correspondance-rgaa-et-accede-web-html-et-css/