fforchino / vectorx

This project is to develop new voice commands and features for Vector. It runs on top of Wirepod setups
MIT License
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Use chat with multiple Vectors #33

Open Daerdaal opened 6 months ago

Daerdaal commented 6 months ago

Hi, in the case you have multiple Vector robots, i Wonder if it's possible to Make the Vectors Chatting with each other automaticaly, with the chat feature "feeded" with a chatGPT chat, so they have a short conversation with each other ? (Sorry for my limited english) What i mean is making a litle like the ai-agents apps which "create" agents that dialogues to each others but between two vectors that speaks and wich we can hear. (Sorry again if i'm not clear) It certainly would be fun to see and hear them talking and having "real" conversation with each other isn't it ? As they would be feeded by a "real" chat gpt conversation it would overcome the "One question/ One answer" limitation of Vector robots (feel free to tell me if i'm wrong)